She doesn't respond, making me look at her to find her staring at me in horror. “Temperance?” I ask her, returning my attention back to the road.

“But my wolves… I can't feel them.” she finally tells me.

“I know, but they'll come back and usually do during the second phase,” I tell her. This is not a talk I ever pictured having to have with my mate.

I kinda wish Marabella or my mother was here to explain it, yet I can only imagine how uncomfortable they'd feel had I asked them. Maybe not mom, but she can be pretty blunt, which may scare her even more.

“I won't hurt you, neither will Malachi, I'm pretty sure I can keep him under control,” I tell her while wondering how much wolfsbane that is going to take.

She doesn't respond, instead turns her attention out the window, and I can feel Malachi's unease at how disconnected she has suddenly become. Driving through my old pack, I find the streets empty, a few houses have their shutters down, meaning my fathers have warned any and all unmated wolves already, which is a relief. Although we'll be pretty far out of town anyway. Being back here feels odd, for some reason, it doesn't feel like home anymore. Have I truly been away that long?

When I arrive at my grandfather's old house, the windows are covered with the roller shutters, the paint peeling and the yard overgrown. I don't think Mom has been back here since he passed. Unfortunately, I don't know the man, but Mom always spoke fondly of him and her mother, though every so often Maddox didn't. Pulling up out the front, I see Temperance staring at the house in fascination.

“Why aren't there any windows?” she asks, and once again I feel that flicker of fear again.

“No one has lived here since my grandfather passed.” I say, opening my door. She goes to open hers but finds it locked.

“I need to go turn the power on, but I need you to stay here in the car where it's safe.” Her brows furrow in confusion.

“It's not safe here?” she asks, peering around frantically.

“It is, but,” I sigh. “Remember how Andrei ordered that man out of the house, the one that sniffed you?” I ask her and she nods. “Your heat doesn't just affect you and me but any werewolf that doesn't have a mate, so I need you to stay in the car. I'm going to lock the doors, so don't freak out,” I tell her. She stares at me in horror. I pull on my handle when she grabs my arm.

“Don't go!” she panics, her claws sinking into my arm. I grip her wrist, but her claws curl into my arm. “Temperance, I need to turn the power on, or it will be dark inside,” I tell her.

“We can stay in here, where it's safe.” She looks at me in desperation. “We aren't safe here, but we will be inside, all houses here are equipped to handle a she-wolf's heat, if they weren't the town would be in constant chaos,” I assure her.

“But if we go inside, you'll…”

I tilt my head to the side, watching her stumble for words. She doesn't finish what she was going to stay, seeming more confused now than before. It’s hard to gauge how much she understands. She seems to know what heat is, but doesn’t want me to leave, but she also doesn't want me to leave her. “We'll work it out, but for now, I need to get the power on, so I can lock the place down. I need to get you inside before your instincts take over,” I try to explain, but this is growing more awkward by the second.

“I won't hurt you, but you'll want to, your wolves will force you too, I can explain inside, but you need to let me go. I'll be right there,” I tell her, pointing to the power box at the side of the house.

“And you'll come back?” she asks, staring at it.

“Yes, I will be a few minutes, that is all,” I assure her. Reluctantly, she lets me go, and I stare down at my bleeding arm, knowing it will heal extremely slowly. Joys of being a Gemini twin, yet it will still heal quicker than that of a human.

Climbing out of the car, I shut the door and lock it before moving to the power box. I lift the case and flick everything on before unlocking the front door. Once done, I head back to the car where Temperance sits frozen in her seat, eyes wide peering out at the forest. Opening her door, she grabs it, holding it closed.

“Temperance?” I ask her, but she shakes her head.

“I don't want to go in there,” she tells me.

“Well, we can't fucking leave her out here. Order her,” Malachi demands, yet his savageness is more out of fear of leaving her out here and not anger.

“She's scared!” I snap at him. I tug on the door, but she refuses to let go.

“Temperance, we need to go inside.” I try to tell her, but she is having none of it.


Sighing, I move to the stairs, much to Malachi's dismay.

“What are you doing?” he barks at me, pressing beneath my skin.

“She can't stay in there, but I am also not dragging her out. She'll come out when she gets too uncomfortable,” I tell him, sitting on the top step.

“And if she doesn't?”