“He can portal and didn't tell us?” he growls, stalking toward the kitchen.

“Kyan, don't,” Marabella snaps at him.

“I told you he was up to something the other night; I knew I wasn't imagining things!” he snaps at her, pushing the door to the kitchen open.



The tension in the room is palpable as we all try to make sense of what just happened. My senses are on high alert, and my heart is still racing from the chaotic events that unfolded in a matter of minutes. Temperance lies unconscious in Eziah's arms, her features peaceful despite the turmoil that surrounds her.

Yet something is off with her, I can sense it. I have from the moment she stepped into the manor. Like a ripple through the place. That sort of ripple can only be stirred by Octavian blood, yet she isn't a witch. I'd have sensed that instantly.

I turn my attention to Lucas, who's in the kitchen with Corina. It's baffling to think that he can open portals, a skill that even some seasoned Warlocks struggle with. Marabella and I exchange worried glances, both of us wondering how we missed this crucial detail about our own son.

“Let me talk to him, please,” Marabella pleads, placing her hand on my chest. Glancing down at her, she peers at our son who is making Corina her sandwich, Corina standing on her tippy-toes trying to watch what he is doing with eager eyes. Those two are close, like two peas in a pod. Yet, Corina has no powers that we've noticed.

Sighing heavily, I nod once toward them, and she lets out a breath before standing on her toes, her hands gripping my shoulders. I smirk, watching her try to reach my lips. This woman has no idea how tightly she has me wrapped around her little finger. Her pouty lips jut out, and I see them flicker. One flash of her eyes, and I know exactly what she is thinking.

'You better kiss me, or else.'

“Kiss her, or I will. I am not sleeping next to Jonah, he kicked the crap out of us last time you upset her,” Kaif growls in my head. I roll my eyes at him, and she growls.

“Moron, she thinks you rolled them at her. Fix it, or-”

“Or what, she'll stamp her tiny feet?” I taunt.

“I'm not made for tight places Kyan, I'm not being pummeled against the wall in my sleep by Jonah!” he growls at me.

Wrapping my arm around her waist, I tug her closer, lifting her slightly, so she can brush her lips gently against mine. “Ew, daddy is sucking mom's face off again,” comes a high-pitched shriek from Corina. Marabella snickers. I set her back down just as Lucas passes Corina her sandwich.

“Why doesn't Daddy kiss Dada, but both Dad's kiss Momma?” Corina has been very curious lately. She recently started preschool, learning our family differs slightly from the typical ones.

“Because Momma is an insatiable nympho,” Lucas blurts out.

Stunned, I blink at his words.

“Lucas, why would you say such a thing!” Marabella scolds.

Lucas looks at me, and I want to bleed into the wall and disappear. “Daddy told Dad you are an insatiable nympho, and that it was Dad's turn to tame the beast because he was tired.”

Marabella looks at me with so much venom, I'm surprised she doesn’t spit it.

She folds her arms across her chest, popping her hip. “Where did he hear that, Kyan?” she snaps, raising an eyebrow at me.

“He must have overheard Jonah the other night when we were going to bed,” I tell her before shooting a glare at my son.

“Nice save,” Kaif tells me, while our pint-sized mate stares us down with enough fury, I am willing to make Jonah take one for the team.

“Nah, you said–” I shoot Lucas a glare to shut his lips.

“Dada made Daddy flip a coin,” Lucas lies for me.

Marabella glares out at a passed-out Jonah. “He did, did he?”

Lucas shrugs, “Yeah, Dada lost; he had to tame the insatiable nympho.”

“What's a nympho?” Corina says, mispronouncing the word. Marabella and I stumble to explain when Ezra suddenly speaks from behind us.