My heart leaps into my throat at the thought of it waking him, and the next second, I am running on my toes to the kitchen to retrieve it. Glancing at him as I rush past the living room, he stirs, and I quickly snatch it off the counter, hitting the button and shutting off the blaring noise. Only then do I finally let out the breath, I didn't know I was holding in when I hear a voice through the speaker.

“Where the fuck have you been?” he growls, and I jump, having forgotten the phone clutched in my hand to busy trying to calm my racing heart. Peering at the phone, I curse myself for not checking what button I pressed. “Hello! Vince! I swear to god if you don't start speaking soon I will give your little pack a visit.”

“That won't be necessary,” I answer, glaring daggers at my mate, lying on the floor. He laughs when he hears my voice.

“Rosie, Rosie, Rosie… like a stubborn bud, refusing to wilt. A trait you got from her.”

A growl escapes me at his words. He only laughs harder, his voice a sinister echo through the phone.

“Oh settle petal, your defiance only hungers me. Makes me want to pluck away each thorn, I wonder if your daughter will share the same fiery spirit when she blooms,” he laughs.

“You come near my daughter,” I snarl, Poppy coming forward at his words, my voice changing to something that matches my father. Rarely does my Alpha voice come out; it's been subdued for so long that I'm almost sure I've lost it.

“Calm down, I'm just playing, you know that. Now where's Vince, I need help,” he tells me.

I glance at the living room floor. “Asleep.”

“Then wake the idiot up. I need him to come get me.” I grit my teeth knowing I can't deny him, but I also don't want to go anywhere near him either, but Vince will get himself killed if he gets behind the wheel in his state.



“He's passed out drunk,” I admit, praying he doesn't demand I come get him. I did not feel like driving for hours or being in a car alone with him.

“Well, then get that tight little ass in the car and come get me. I need a lift into the city.” I suck in a deep breath and am about to make up an excuse.

“I will send you the address,” he tells me hanging up. I stare at Vince's phone, a second later a message comes through and my brows crease together in confusion. That's not far from here?

Grabbing the keys and my jacket, I rush to the car while glancing around. The pack seems to finally be asleep, all the lights are off in the neighboring houses. Hastily, I climb into the car, starting it but leaving the lights off. Leaving the carport, I cringe hearing the tires on the gravel. Once I am clear of the houses and on the actual road, I flick the lights on and start driving to the address he'd given me.

A shudder runs up my spine, knowing I am going to see this prick by myself. Usually, Vince deals with him. After about an hour, I come to some farms. The darkness is almost oppressive as I drive through the narrow country roads, and all around me are tall trees that seem to stretch up toward the night sky. In every direction, I see farms and crops illuminated by a faint moonlight.Why is he out here?I wonder to myself.

The GPS announces I'm at my destination, but I see nothing. Slowing down, I can just make out the dirt driveway. Turning the car, I start driving up it when I see lights turn on in the distance. It’s an old farmhouse, the weatherboard house in disrepair, paint flaking, the shudders broken. The place is dark, surrounded by fields of corn. It's old and rather run-down. The walls battered, and the paint faded to the point of being barely visible.

The building looks like it's been abandoned for years. And I would believe that if not for the porch light turning on. Pulling up, I stare at the house. After a few minutes when no one comes out, I open my door and climb out of the car.

Instantly, I am alerted by the scent of blood. Poppy presses beneath my skin; goosebumps cover me as I climb the steps. The railing around the porch is rotted, and the wood floorboards creak as I step onto the porch. “Rose… we should wait out here,” my wolf warns me, yet she is alert and that scent isn't werewolf blood, it's human.

Stopping at the door, I am about to grip the door handle when it opens.

“My, my, you look more and more like her every day,” he says, smiling wickedly when I see a pair of feet on the ground behind him. He glances behind him at the floor.

“Don't mind him, I warned him, they never listen.” He shakes his head and steps aside. My heartbeat skips as I peer down at the dead body.

“All he had to do was be quiet and let me finish having fun with his wife, and I would have let ‘em live, but no, he had to play hero.” He shakes his head, and I swallow the bile rising in my throat, feeling sick to my stomach.

Suddenly, I hear a whimper inside the house. My eyes dart to him, and he smirks. “I should probably take care of that,” he says, wandering back into the house.

“I'll do it!” I tell him, rushing after him, earning a strange look.

“That's my girl,” he huffs, gripping my shoulder and giving it a squeeze.

“Where are they?” I ask.

“Living room, I will go grab my bag. Are you sure?” he asks like I am merely going to help do the dishes. I smile, trying to keep my heart rate slow. “It's fine, can't have 'em running around screaming about werewolves,” I tell him with a laugh.

“Good, good, bastard actually shot me! The audacity of the man, as if his pissy bullets would hurt me,” he laughs while wandering off toward the back of the house. I rush into the room where I heard the noise and stop dead in my tracks.