I ignore them, my ears trained for the next scream. It's disorienting. The sound seems to be echoing from everywhere and nowhere all at once. That's when I see Dominic peering over the railing two floors above. I follow his gaze, my heart dropping to my stomach as I see the one door we haven't checked—the altar room.

Dominic's voice rings out, pulling me from my thoughts. “The coven room,” he calls, his voice echoing down the hall. I don't need any further prompting, taking off towards the stairs. Kyan is beside me, cursing as he rummages through his pockets. “The keys, where are the fucking keys,” he screams up at his father.

I don't wait for him to find them. Instead, I charge at the door, slamming into it with all my strength. But instead of giving way, I'm thrown back by an unseen force, landing in a heap on the floor. The world spins around me as I struggle to push myself back to my feet. Dominic has made it to the bottom of the stairs, fumbling with the keys as he tries to unlock the door.

Suddenly, Temperance's screams morph into a roar, the sound making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Kyan's body ripples, growing in size as he transforms into his Lycan form. Kaif shoves forward, taking control of Kyan's body, his hands moving in intricate patterns as he chants an ancient spell before they turn black as charcoal before the force explodes from him and hits the door.


With a loud crack, the door flies open, shattering and splintering to pieces. Dominic and Kyan rush in, leaving me scrambling to follow them. Spotting her, I gasp. “No!” I scream, running for the pentagram.

“Eziah, no!” Dominic tries to grab me, but it's too late. The moment I cross the threshold, I'm thrown back by the same invisible force. I crash into a wall, the impact knocking the wind out of me.

I force myself to my feet, every nerve in my body screaming in protest. Not only that, but I can see her now, Temperance. She's in the middle of the room, surrounded by a pentagram that glows with an eerie blue light. Her screams have turned into soft whimpers, her body trembling as she sinks to her knees.

“Shh, shh, what are they saying?” Dominic's voice floats to me from somewhere in the room. He's listening to the spirits, repeating their words under his breath as he tries to decipher their message. Kyan’s gaze is locked on Temperance, his hands glowing with magic as he paces the room. Kaif is just below the surface, ready to spring into action at any moment.

“They're killing her,” he murmurs, his voice sounding so small and broken that it makes my heart clench.

“We won't go back,” the voices yell and scream.

I watch in mounting horror as Temperance crumbles to the ground, her small body lifeless on the floor. The voices in the room continue their jarring chorus, each word stinging like an icy needle. I want to help her, but the pentagram holds me back, an unseen barrier preventing me from reaching her.

“Duae sorores natae ex ferro et carmine, una vitam affert, altera cecidit,” mutter the strange, whispered words. The strange sounds seem to bounce off the walls and echo around the room.

Suddenly, Kaif starts to chant a spell in ancient Latin, his voice steady. The sound of his voice reverberates throughout the room. The ground trembles beneath my feet as the spirits respond to his spell, their screams growing louder and more desperate. I want to help, but I am frozen in place, my body unable to move from its spot near the doorway.

Kaif continues his chanting, and slowly, ever so slowly, a crack appears in the pentagram's blue light. Dominic steps forward and joins in Kaif's chant, their voices merging into a single, powerful force.

As they chant, Dominic's magic seems to become one with Kaif's. His magic is fluid now, like water and wind, while Kaif's is hard and strong, like iron and stone. Together, their power creates a spark that blasts through the pentagram’s barrier, like a bolt of lightning, when they grab each other's hands.

The spirits scream in pain as Temperance is freed from their grasp. She slumps over onto her side, her eyes glassy and unfocused.

The moment the energy dissipates, the spirits retreat. The room returns to its normal temperature, the deafening silence a stark contrast to the chaos a moment ago. The three of us rush to Temperance's side, relief, and concern etched on our faces. The color has drained from her face, her lips turning a shade of blue as she lies lifeless on the floor. Sweeping her hair back from her face, Dominic pries her eyelids open, her breathing shallow. “Why did they try to kill her?”

“No idea, but the house has been unsettled since she arrived here,” Dominic murmurs. He sighs, and I pull my mate into my lap, my lips instantly going to hers as I try to heal her. “She'll be out for a while. She just had an entire coven of dead witches try to kill her; let her rest,” Dominic says.

“Duae sorores natae ex ferro et carmine, una vitam affert, altera cecidit,” Kaif murmurs, his voice echoing the haunting words of the spirits, his eyes glaze as he repeats the ghostly whispers.

I look towards him, my heart pounding in my chest. The room seems too quiet, the eerie whispers pausing as Kaif's Latin phrase hangs heavily in the air.

“Duae sorores natae ex ferro et carmine, una vitam affert, altera cecidit,” he repeats, his voice a low murmur.

“What is it?” Dominic's voice cuts through my anxiety, echoing my own confusion. I turn to face him, my gaze flitting between him and Kaif.

“I know those words,” Kaif admits, the phrase echoing in the room once more.



“What words?” I ask, peering down at Temperance passed out in my arms. The intense atmosphere in the room stifles my voice, making it sound hoarse and strained.

“Duae sorores natae ex ferro et carmine, una vitam affert, altera cecidit,” Kaif says again, looking at us with a strange look on his face as if he is trying to remember where he heard the words before.

Dominic's eyes widen slightly, his lips parting as he translates it into English. “Two sisters born of steel and spell, one brings life, the other hell.”

“I don't get it. What do those words mean? It sounds like a Gemini wolf. We already know she had to have been a Gemini,” I say, glancing back at Temperance. Her breaths come in short gasps, her face pale as the morning light streams through the windows.