“You still look like the same piece of trash you always were!” she spits back at him. Satish tilts his head to the side for a second, watching her, before he backhands her, and I can't help but flinch.

“Well, haven't we grown bold?!” Satish sneers.

“You're just a man, Satish. Not the monster in my nightmares anymore,” she tells him as I watch her glare at him.

“And you're still just used goods!” he spits back at her. Sage spits in his face, and he growls, her rebellion and the defiance in her gaze speaks volumes.

Lorelei begins her twisted game, her voice oozing malice. “Temperance, bring your second wolf forward, or both you and Sage suffer!” she hisses. Anger courses through me, fueling my defiance.

Sage’s eyes dart around the room. Eventually, her eyes find Lucas's, and I watch as they glaze over, hinting at her using the mindlink, but it’s Satish’s revelation that chills me to the bone.

“Are you sure this is a good idea, mother?” he asks, looking at Lorelei. This truly terrifies me. How could someone so cruel be uncertain about an act of cruelty?

“Awakening her Gemini will allow us to extract their power,” she declares. Her ambition is nightmarish, little does she know the Gemini is awakened already.

“Now I want her in the chair too. Strap her down!” Lorelei orders and men rush forward, dragging another chair next to me. Sage is all but tossed in the chair.

Lucas's cries echo through the basement, his small voice filled with terror. “Leave her alone!” he yells, his voice cracking with emotion.

Lorelei, with a cruel smirk, orders them to strap Sage into a chair beside me, electrodes and all. “Now we are going to play a game, Temperance. You have two choices: bring your second wolf forward, or you'll be electrocuted. And every time you're electrocuted, Sage will be too.”

“You sick bitch!” Sage growls at Lorelei, her eyes blazing with fury. Lorelei's response is a sharp slap across Sage's face. Sage just laughs, a dark, menacing sound. Her lip bleeds, but her eyes shift, signaling a change.

“You're fucking with the wrong family!” Sage snarls with a dangerous edge in her voice.

Lorelei chuckles, seemingly amused by her defiance. “They shouldn't have messed with ours first!” she retorts with a smug grin.

“Let Lucas and Casey go! They're fucking children! They have nothing to do with this!” Sage spits out, her voice laced with desperation and anger.

Satish's expression hardens as he moves closer into her view. “I had no intention of taking the boy. His mother is who I wanted, but she put up too much of a fight, but the boy will do just fine!” he growls.

“As for Casey, you need to take that up with Vince. She's his daughter,” Satish tells Sage coldly.

Sage's eyes flare with rage. “You know she's not!” she hisses back at him.

“He raised her, makes no difference to me,” Satish shrugs dismissively, his indifference chilling.

From my restrained position, I feel helpless, witnessing the unfolding horror. The threats, the cruelty, the impending torture – it's overwhelming. The realization of what Satish and Lorelei are capable of, the lengths they're willing to go to for their twisted revenge, sends a wave of dread through me.

Lucas bangs against his cage, the sound rattling around the vast space as they attach the wires to something that looks like a battery.

“We've done nothing to warrant this!” I snarl at her angrily, and my heart races faster.

Lorelei freezes. “At least let Sage and the kids go, you want my wolf to come forward? Then let them go.”

“She'll come forward, don't you worry”.

Yet, she looks at Sage and the venom in her gaze I don't understand. “She is just as guilty as the rest of them. All of you deserve what's coming to you!” she spits.

Sage appears genuinely confused at her words. “What have we done to you? I've only just met you!” I nod at Sage's words.

“Yet you still stole from me!” Lorelei growls. My eyes turn to Sage, who is glaring at her.

“Just like her mother stole my chosen mate from me, you also took something. Only far more valuable,” she adds, turning to glare at me.

“But you and my father were married, mated and marked? How was he able to run off with his true mate?” I question, genuinely confused on what this mad woman was getting at.

Lorelei straightens, then replies: “Yes, that was when I learned what your mother was. A Gemini. Did you know Gemini's can remove a mate mark?” Lorelei asks me.