“I'm fine, Andrei. Get Kat and the others,” she tells me before shoving me out of her head.
I growl, turning to look at Chief. “Your mate, she is in trouble?” Chief asks.
“Yes! And my grandchildren, Lucas and Casey!” I tell him as I climb the path I noticed.
“We come with you, help you find them!” Chief tells me.
“I still don't understand how you're even here! I thought you were confined to the forest?”
The Chief shrugs. “This all used to be forest. We were cursed not to enter areas with human populations. To stay within the forest limits. Once, all this was forest, but now, with our forest gone, we've had no choice but to flee.”
I reach out through the mindlink, connecting with Kat. “I need to get hold of my sister and her mates,” I tell Chief as I climb to the top. Not wanting to be rude, I reiterate everything to them as I do her.
I feel for her energy, loving how we are all linked now, our links all open with her being the Moon Goddess, it makes things so much easier.
“Andrei?!” she breathes, her voice cracking.
“Kat, I'm here! I'm okay sis,” I start, “But Sage … She's been taken by Satish's Reaper Wolves. I know where she is, they've taken her into the old mining tunnels.”
I explain to her about the were-bears and their unexpected assistance.
As I speak, I notice the were-bears listening intently. When I mention the reaper wolves, they look at each other, eventually midway through my conversation with Kat, Chief interjects, “Did you say Reaper Wolves?!”
I nod, and Kat, sensing the gravity of the situation, opens the mindlink to include Dominic, Kyan, Jonah, and her mates.
“If you are going after Reaper Wolves, we are coming with you!” Chief states. My brows furrow at the growl in his voice as he mentions them, the way his eyes flicker, and how he seems to grow in size. I nod to him because we'll need all the help we can get.
I relay our plan to head to the mining tunnels. The were-bears, after a brief discussion among themselves.
“Don't you go in there alone, Andrei!”
“I have the were-bears with me,” I tell Kat when Kyan chimes in.
“Were-bears?! Tell him, if they want the curse broken, they need to help us with the Reaper Wolves!”
I relay that to Chief, who nods once as they push me along.
“We passed the mines, we know a shortcut,” Chief tells me and I nod, trying to focus on the mindlink and what Chief is saying as we start walking through thick shrub. When we come to a road, I cross it, but the were-bears keep walking along before coming to the bend. “Where are you going?!”
“It's man-made. We told you already, we can't go where humans have been,” Chief tells me. “So we go under it. Can't cross it.” He suddenly disappears and one by one they all do, seeming to fall into the earth.
“Fuck! Don't lose them!” Donnie urges, and I rush after them, trying to see where they went. Before I know what’s going on, the thick grass under my feet suddenly gives way, and I shriek, sliding down the tunnel, appearing on the other side of the road and running into the back of one of Chief's men.
“This is some Jungle Book shit, this is!” Donnie grumbles.
“Don't you enter that mine until we get there, Andrei! I have watched you die once tonight! Not again!!” Kat warns.
“No promises, but get here fast,” I tell her before cutting the link when I see Chief and his men shift. I waste no time stripping my clothes off, and Donnie shifts instantly, grabbing my jeans in his mouth before we chase after them.
The journey to the mining tunnels takes about an hour. The old structure looms before us, a relic of an old coal mine, its entrance dark and foreboding. We scout the area cautiously, aware that Reaper Wolves are probably on guard somewhere or there might be cameras.
We stop by the old mine as I wrestle the questions burning in my mind. “We need to lure them out! We can not enter!” Chief growls, stalking the edge of the forest.
I curse under my breath. “So what happens when the curse is broken? Where will you go?”