“She will!” I try to tame him down, instead I lean against the railing, watching as her body heat grows more intense. An hour passes, and I am listening out for any noises, but I hear nothing. However, looking at the car the windows I can't even see in there due to her temperature fogging them. I can, however, sense her distress growing by the second.

My stomach sinks, knowing she is petrified and would rather be in pain than enter the house with me. I am about to try to cool myself down with the hose around the side when I hear her door open, and Malachi instantly locks onto her scent. I grip the tap connection, fighting against him when I am suddenly tackled when she picks up my scent.

Temperance's body is burning, yet she is still scared of me despite being out of control. We hit the dirt, but Malachi shoves forward fast, grabbing her and forcing her into the house. It feels foreign with him controlling this part of me, I rarely let him this much control, yet he is as comfortable in this form as the other. He shoves her into the bathroom, twisting the taps before ice-cold water pours out when I feel him command her. “Stay!” he orders.

“What are you doing? We agreed not to order her.”

“Shut up, she left the car door open, which is a beacon of her heat,” he tells me, which I am shocked he noticed her scent with how quickly he took control and moved her. He shuts the car door before handing control back to me, and I enable the security system, locking the house down. After doing that, I go to the bathroom and drop the command on her, only to find her lying on the shower floor.

“Temperance?” I murmur, but she doesn't move. Eventually, I lay on the tiled floor outside the shower to try to get her attention.

“The shower is nice,” she murmurs, and I nod, knowing it won't last forever. She'll find even that won't help her. My skin ripples with Malachi's desire to be near her, and I am shocked at his restraint.

“Can I come in the shower with you?” I ask her, and her eyes dart to mine. She nods once. “I'll be taking my clothes off. I don't have spares here; they're in the car,” I remind her.

“Nova says you can,” she whispers, yet her voice sounds detached.

“Nova's back?” She nods. “But are you comfortable with me taking them off?” I ask her and she screws her face up.

“Sort of, I don't think it will work if your clothes are on,” she tells me.

“That's not what I asked, Temperance.”

“You won't hurt me, I know that,” she says, but I can't promise that. In truth, I've never been around a heat ravaged female before, so this is just as uncharted to me as it is to her. Although, I believe Malachi and I are holding up pretty well despite her scent driving me crazy. But I also won't lie to her.

“Not intentionally, I won't, that I can promise you.”

She thinks for a second but eventually nods. I tug my clothes off, and she sits up, moving over to let me in. Her clothes are drenched, sticking to her skin, and so is her unruly hair. I leave the door open, not wanting to spook her by closing it.

Sitting next to her, I lean against the shower wall when she sniffs me. Some part of her knows my touch will help her, but she is still wary of it, so I remain still watching to see what she'll do. One thing I've noticed is that she hasn't dared look at me. I’m glad she hasn’t as my cock is painfully hard. .

After a few minutes, we both seemed to relax a little. The tension in her body leaves once she realizes I am not going to maul her. “Did Nova completely block you every time?” I ask and she nods.

“Sometimes I could hear things, then I would hear Shadow would come, but I'd be blocked out again. I just figured it's because the attention was on her,” she tells me.

“What do you mean?” I ask her.

“I didn't know Shadow was my wolf. I mean, I thought she was someone else because I could see her eyes.”

Her words reminds me of the mirror. I can't imagine thinking all that time you were down there with someone else only to learn that someone else was just another altered version of you.

“Shadow is stronger than Nova,” she whispers.

“Nova feared her, I would hear them argue.”

“I did too, but also not,” she says.

“What do you mean?” I ask her, stepping just a little bit closer.

“Her eyes scared me, and the way she spoke, but I felt bad for her mostly,” she admits.

“Why?” I ask.

“Because I worried if my brother killed me, she would be on her own down there,” she laughs. The sound is slightly crazed, and I see her eyes flicker.

“You think I'm crazy,” she laughs, but I shake my head.

“No, I think your wolves and your mind did what it had to, to ensure you didn't go crazy. I also believe you weren't forced in the dark like you believe, I know from talking to Shadow she blocked a lot, but I think you did too,” I tell her.