Temperance’s terrified scream fills the room. A sound that rips through me.

My heart stops as I look up to see my mother has bitten her. Temperance screams, shoving her off. My heart beats like a drum in my chest when my mother staggers back. Her snarl is feral, and I watch the poison of my mother's bite writhe beneath Temperance's skin, my hand moves to grab her as I see Temperance choke, but then so does my mother as she clutches her throat.

My mother staggers back. Her snarl is fierce, but it’s a sound of agony rather than aggression.

“Hades,” my mother grumbles, about to lunge at her, but I tackle my mother, her claws raking down my arms, her teeth snapping at my face viciously as she shifts, and I'm suddenly facing a full-blown empowered Gemini Goddess.

My mother stalks toward me, and I scramble back on my hands and knees, seeing my father out of my peripheral vision, running at her just as she lunges at my face. I close my eyes momentarily, bracing for impact. However, the moment she does, Temperance screams and my mother wails.

Suddenly, everything is somehow even more chaotic. The room resonates with a high-pitched scream, so powerful that it physically hurts. I cover my ears, feeling a surge of pain and nausea. The noise is horrendous until I realize she isn't the only one screaming, everyone is. Except me. My mother suddenly stops in midair and crashes to the ground in front of me. As the ear-splitting sound subsides, a deafening silence takes its place. All around, bodies lay motionless on the floor. I look around dazed trying to figure out what was going on.

Barely processing the scene, my gaze lands on Temperance, her chest heaving with ragged breaths. Blood trickles from her nose and down her chin before she too crumbles to the ground, unconscious. Whatever she did, she wiped out everyone when she screamed, or at least I thought so until I hear Lucas's voice up the stairs.

“It’s okay, sissy. They're all asleep. Come, I'll make you that sandwich now.”

I look up, dazed, and find Lucas, my nephew, holding the hand of his even littler sister, who's sucking her thumb. The same children I'd seen moments ago downstairs.

“How did you get up there?” I blurt, wondering if my mind is playing tricks on me. My voice sounds distant to my own ears.

Lucas gives me a mischievous grin, “Not the only one who can portal, I have tricks too, Uncle Ez,” Lucas tells me as he leads his sister down the stairs.

“You portal to the Moon Goddess realm with Grandma?” I ask him, and his brows furrow.

“He can't go there,” Corina says, my little niece who is only three years old, after she finally removes her thumb from her mouth.

I laugh nervously. There has always been something off about my nephew. He elbows her softly, glaring at her. She purses her lips, putting her thumb back in her mouth.

“Do you want your sandwich or not?” Lucas snaps at her. “Lucas!” I snap at him for his tone as I move toward Temperance.

His sister tugs at his shirt. “Is she dead?” Her tiny voice trembles as she points to Temperance. My heart skips a beat, but as I can still feel the bond, I’m somewhat settled.

“No, just asleep,” Lucas assures her before stomping down the steps as Corina goes to follow, I grab her arm.

She seems to ponder this. “She's like Grandma Kitty?”

Lucas starts, probably searching for a way to explain. “No, more like Papa,” he says. “Papa Dom?” she chirps, trying to follow, but I don't let her arm go, which makes her look at me. “Now, Corina,” Lucas calls out.

“Where does your brother go?” I ask her as I hear the kitchen door open and close.

“It's a secret, but Lucas said your girlfriend looks like her,” huh? my brows furrow and I glance down at Temperance.

“Like who?” She shrugs her shoulders. “That's all he said, she looks like the lady from the under–”

“Corina!” Lucas calls, shoving open the door. She jerks out of my grip, and I watch as she scampers off.

The aftermath of the confrontation leaves the room in disarray. Dominic, rising to his feet, assists Marabella, while Maddox cradles my mother in his arms, the look in his eyes a mix of sorrow and relief. Jonah, still unconscious, is helped up by Kaif.

“What the heck just happened,” Dominic says, his voice echoing the thoughts of everyone present.

“Indeed!” Kaif growls, casting a nervous glance at Temperance passed out in my arms.

I nod in agreement. But I can’t stop thinking about what Corina said. Suddenly, Marabella gasps. “Where are the kids?” she blurts in a panic.

“Safe, Lucas is making her sandwich, he portaled them out,” I point to the kitchen.

“Portaled?” Kaif asks, looking at Marabella. I glance between them.

“Lucas can open portals?” Marabella asks, looking at Kaif, or is it Kyan now? It takes me a second to recognize the difference because Kyan's dark aura is just as dark as Kaif's when angry.