“Yet what?” Sage runs her fingers through her hair, looking exhausted; I can tell this is something they've both spent sleepless nights over.

“She denies it, and we have no proof. Casey refuses to tell us anything that happens in that house,” Sage finally answers.

“No proof? How can you know and not have proof?”

“Because she is of Alpha blood, she heals long before I ever get there. Each time I've intervened, Rose has threatened to leave the pack, Vince obviously denies what's going on,” Andrei adds.

“Of course he does, he's always been a fucking coward!” I snarl.”So what, you're going to let it continue?”

“No! I can't intervene since she is my daughter. I am not willing to risk losing her, have her leave and be returned to me in a fucking body bag. She is safer here, where we can at least get to her.”

“So, in other words, you're doing nothing?” I shake my head. I don't wait for more explanations. I storm out of the pack house, fury simmering in my veins. Sage darts after me, trying to stop me.

“Sage, stand down!” Andrei speaks, his aura casting out, but it doesn't touch me, it is directly aimed at his mate; a command I’ve never heard him use with her before.

Sage freezes in place, and I stop looking at her briefly, she is fuming and no doubt Andrei will have hell to pay for commanding her. She'll punish him for it, yet by the look on his face, his mate's wrath is something he is willing to take. Opening the door, Andrei speaks again.

“Do what you have to.” I peer back at him to find him standing in front of Sage, his hand cupping her cheek while she glares daggers at him.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“Whatever you want it to mean. You've already been punished for killing him, so I can't really punish you again for something you've already done.”


“What of Rose?”

“She has you, you can mark her.” I scoff, the man is delusional.

“It's not that simple.”

“Now you know my predicament,” Andrei answers.

“Go, you don't need to see the ass whooping I am about to be handed when I release her,” he tells me, yet his eyes remain on Sage. Her face twisted in rage, yet her eyes glassy at the betrayal of being commanded. He doesn't have to tell me twice, Zyan shoves forward, and I only just manage to stop him taking control.

My stride is long and fast, the forest a blur as I race towards Vince and Rose's house. Yet as I do, I notice something strange, Malik leans against the railing on the porch, a cigarette between his lips, a few others also stand out the front watching to see what I'll do. It only fuels my anger, they all just kept tight-lipped and allowed my exile yet have done nothing to help Rose and my daughter, but expect me to?

I’m ready for a fight, my every muscle tenses as I climb the steps. The sound of the TV reaches my ears and so does Vince's voice a second later.

“Get me another beer.” Rage bubbles inside me at his tone, a command, and what pisses me off more is the fact Rose allows it.

Knocking doesn't even occur to me in my blind rage. No, instead, I kick the door off its hinges. Rose shrieks and jumps, and Vince looks over the back of the couch startled. The moment his eyes land on me, his face twists in anger, a growl tearing out of him. Vince, in a haze of alcohol, lunges at me. He throws a drunken punch but I sidestep, grabbing his wrist and shoving him toward the busted door. He snarls, barely catching himself in time as I try to force him to leave the house, not wanting to destroy the place completely. Yet he shifts, leaving me no choice as his wolf comes forward.

In an instant, the room turns to chaos, Vince lunges for me again and again. Rose screams in terror, watching as I dodge his claws, his teeth latching onto one of my arms. Blood soaks through my shirt from several deep wounds, but the pain is far away, rage taking its place as Vince refuses to admit defeat, despite being completely outmatched by my rage induced strength.

With a roar, he jumps at me, and I'm forced to defend myself again. Vince's wolf bites at my face, seeking out any vulnerable skin as we fight. We grapple one another in the center of the living room. Me in my human form and him in the suit of his beast. Rose screams for us to stop; it is utter chaos as furniture is thrown across the floor amidst our struggle. Our fight rages on with neither of us giving an inch, until finally Vince manages to get hold of me from behind, sinking his teeth into my shoulder, painfully.

Reaching back and gripping the back of his wolf’s neck, my claws sink into his bloodied fur as I drop my weight forward hauling him over my shoulder. I slam his wolf down on the low coffee table; the glass top shatters with the impact, and the wooden base splinters. Vince groans before my fist connects with his face multiple times, leaving his drunk ass scrambling to get back up off the ground where he is lying amongst the glass and busted furniture. Peering around, the living room is in chaos, there is an imprint of his body on the wall, the furniture is upturned, bloody claw marks litter the leather of the couch, and the TV is smashed to pieces from when his wolf tackled me.

With a whimper, Vince shifts back and tries to stand. As he does, Rose slams into me, her fists hitting me wherever she can, when Vince falls on his knees. I haul him up, landing punch after punch, until he crumples, unconscious.

Turning to face Rose, a slap rings through the room, sharp and unexpected. Rose, her beautiful face marred by rage and betrayal. “Casen!” she screams, her handprint burns on my face.

I grip her face, her eyes burning with hatred. “Enough!” Zyan warns her when her hands slam into my chest, shoving me back.

“You have no right, why are you even here!” she screeches at me, her face turning red as yells at the top of her lungs.

“Why was my daughter at the park alone looking too terrified to go home?” I snarl, grabbing her shoulders. “How could you let Vince do this to you?” She recoils, but remains silent.