“Go check on your daughter, Casen. You can tell me the rest later,” he says, getting to his feet and heading inside. I follow, moving to the front of the house to see Casey race to the swings. I peer over at Rose's house and then at the little park. Seconds later, Sage walks out just as I step off the bottom step. She starts to jog over to the park when she spots me and pauses. She glances at Rose’s house, then at Casey, before she nods and turns back for the pack house.

“Something isn’t right,” Zyan grumbles, and as I near Casey, I am now realizing there is more going on than anyone will admit, but why? As I near the swing, Casey jumps off it, looking at me, alarmed, and I stop, not wanting to spook her. She sniffs the air, and her brows pinch. “You’re Daddy’s twin.” She seems confused.

“Can I sit with you?” I ask her, pointing to the other swing. She nods, and I take the other swing. She stares at me for a second.

“Mommy doesn’t like you very much,” she says, and I swallow and nod.

“Don’t worry, she doesn’t like Daddy sometimes either, but she still loves him, she’ll forgive you,” Casey tells me.

“What makes you think that?” I ask her, as she kicks dirt. She stops and looks back up at me.

“Because you’re my real dad, aren’t you?” she shrugs.

“Your mom told you that?”

She points to her ears. “I have ears, you know?” She says with so much sass that she reminds me of Rose when she was little, and I can’t help but chuckle at her. “I heard what you said when you and Poppy were fighting.”

“Does that upset you?’ I ask her.

She shakes her. “Emily has two dads. She said she gets two birthdays and two houses!” she says.

“Who is Emily?”

“From pre-school. I go to preschool because I am a big girl!” she declares.

“You are, huh?”

“Yep!” she tells me. I glance at her house, half expecting Rose to come out looking for her.

“So why were you climbing out of your window?” I ask her. When she says nothing, I glance at her to see her swing her legs and start swinging.

“Casey?” I ask her.

“Can you push me?” she asks, ignoring my question. I purse my lips but get to my feet.

“Only if you tell me why you were sneaking out a window?” I tell her, moving behind her. I grip the metal chains.

“Will you tell me?” I ask her.

Her brows pinch together. “I’m not allowed,” she whispers, when I hear a door bang open. Casey jumps, her head turning in the direction of her house.

“Casey!” Vince calls out.

“You don’t have to go,” I tell her when she jumps off the swing.

“But Mommy will get in trouble if I don’t,” she says, rushing off before I can stop her.

“Casen…” Zyan growls.

“He’s still drinking,” I tell Zyan.

Turning my head, I find Andrei standing at the pack house door. His eyes on Rose’s house. Casey rushes inside the house, and Vince shuts the door.

“You wanna explain that?” I call out to Andrei.

“Sage made dinner,” he says, nodding to the door. I peer back at Rose’s house. Gritting my teeth, I move toward Andrei.

As I approach him, he unfolds his arms, and I stop beside him. “You better tell me what the fuck is going on around here.”