“What's wrong?” I ask, turning my gaze to the house. As if on cue, the front door swings open, and Marabella appears. The moment she spots us, she starts to run over, her face lighting up with excitement.

Unable to contain my own, I reach for the car door handle, eager to introduce her to my mate. But before I can even open the door, Temperance leans over and grabs my arm, stopping me in my tracks.

“It's Marabella, my sister,” I explain, reassuring her. “She won't hurt you, I promise.”

Temperance looks at my sister and then back at me. The alarm on her face reminds me of when I first laid eyes on her. “Can't you feel it?”

“Feel what?” I ask, my confusion deepening.

“It's alive,” she says, her voice barely audible, and I can feel her hand that grips my arm, is shaking.

“What's alive?” I question, my heart rate picking up. Something is off with her, something telling me that maybe it wasn't a good idea bringing her here. Malachi comes forward, sensing Shadow beneath her skin, the bond changing, filtering her wolves through.

“The house,” she replies, her eyes never leaving mine.

I stare at her for a moment, trying to understand what she's saying.

I'm not surprised that she picks up on how off this place is. The Octavian bloodline is as cursed as mine. And this place always sets me on edge. I glance back at the house, her grip on my hand tightening.

Just then, Marabella reaches the car, her face flushed with excitement. She rips my door open. Temperance immediately moves to press closer to the door, tangling herself up more in her seatbelt, when Marabella gasps. “You found her?” she murmurs, her eyes moving from me to Temperance.

Marabella smiles and moves toward Temperance’s side but Temperance instantly freaks out. “Easy, Marabella,” I warn when I feel Shadow pressing forward with Temperance. Temperance freaks out, trying to climb out of her seat to get away from her, but the seatbelt is wrapping more around her body. I try to calm her, but she is frantic. Suddenly her claws slip through the sash and I groan, barely grabbing her in time as she moves to jump into the back seat. Marabella watches cautiously from outside while I pin Temperance's thrashing body against mine.

“Stop, breathe. My sister won't hurt you,” I try to tell her, yet her heart beats hard against my hands.

“I don't want to go in. You can't make me!” she screams, when suddenly she bites me. The poison from her bite slivers up my arm, stunning me for a second as my own magic fights against the poison. Suddenly, Malachi surges forward, my grip suddenly stronger, and my teeth at her neck.

She calms instantly, and her thrashing stops, but her breathing remains hard. It takes me nearly half an hour to get her out of the car with Marabella's help. The thing I find odd is, at first, I thought it was my sister she feared. But she doesn't fear Marabella, it's the manor.

The first thing that hits me as I push open the massive wooden door of the Octavian Manor is the scent of power—ancient, dark magic. It's the same feeling I always get when I come here, like the weight of history presses down on my chest.

I glance at Temperance, wondering if she feels it too. She's practically vibrating with tension, her eyes darting around the dimly lit entryway, noticing the portraits and crystal chandeliers. I notice the way her shoulders hunch as if she's trying to protect herself from something unseen.

I guide her further inside, trying to make her feel at ease. “It's just an old house,” I tell her, even though I know it's much more than that.

“Nothing to be scared of.”

But as we step deeper into the manor, I feel Temperance's fear spike. I realize she's not just sensing the Octavian bloodline's power—she's struggling to keep control of Shadow. Her breathing becomes ragged, her nails digging into her palms as she fights the urge to let Shadow take over.

“I need to get out of here. She doesn't want me in here,” Temperance gasps, her eyes wide with terror. She bolts for the door, but I catch her arm, forcing her to stay put.

“We can't leave yet,” I tell her, my voice firm but gentle. Marabella looks at her with worry. Just then, footsteps come down the stairs of the manor, I glance over my shoulder, and see Kyan.

“Everything okay?” he asks, his eyes instantly going to Marabella. My sister places her hand out, telling him to stop, and I feel like I am trying to cage a wild animal as Temperance's eyes dart from each of us. I try to keep my grip on her arm gentle.

But Temperance is beyond listening. She wrenches her arm free and races for the front door, throwing it open just as Dominic, Kyan's father, steps into the manor. They collide, and for a moment, it's as if time stands still.

“You,” Shadow hisses, her voice taking over Temperance's body. Her eyes darken, and I can see the battle for control playing out on her face.

Dominic's expression hardens as he studies her, his eyes flickering. “I know you,” he says slowly, reaching out to grab her.

But Temperance staggers back, turning, and I see it is no longer her in control. I feel Shadow has taken her over while she fights to gain control when I hear my nephew's voice along with Jonah's as they come in from the kitchen. They stop in their tracks, and Jonah is quick to snatch his son up. Kyan moves instantly, just as I sense the change in Temperance. No control left, she turns rabid and Shadow shoves forward and goes to attack me. Yet one word from Dominic rings through the air. “Sleep!”

Temperance stumbles, her legs giving out from under her. I'm there instantly, catching her before she hits the floor, my arms wrapping around her trembling body as she passes out.

Dominic slowly steps forward as I scoop her up. His eyes narrow, his brows furrow as he studies Temperance.

“I'm sorry, Mara. I shouldn't have brought her here so soon–” I try to explain when Dominic speaks.