“Shh, shh, no, of course not. Let's go inside to make cocoa,” Rose tells her, turning on her heel and walking back to her house.
Turning back to Andrei and Vince, I catch the back end of their argument. “My word is final. He can stay, or are you worried my daughter will finally see what an asshole you are with your brother here?” Andrei asks.
“He tried to fucking kill me!” Vince snarls angrily. Andrei looks Vince up and down before responding coldly, “And yet here you are, still alive.” Vince clenches his jaw, unable to come up with a response.
“Maybe next time we'll get lucky, and he'll finish you,” Andrei sneers. Woah, what the fuck is going on here? Vince's hands fist at his sides as he leans forward, and I see Sage grab Andrei's arm with a worried look on her face as she stares at Vince.
“Vince, enough!” I growl, and he steps back, peering over his shoulder at me. Andrei's sneer fades, and he steps back, his eyes shifting away from Vince to me. Sage relaxes her grip on his arm and takes a deep breath, her eyes still nervously watching Vince. Getting up, I move between them, feeling the tension in the air.
Yet my mind is racing, trying to figure out what is going on. Vince looks me up and down and growls. “Stay the fuck away from my mate and daughter,” he snaps, turning and walking off. “You mean my daughter?” I call out, and he stops. His back becomes tense, but then Rose comes out standing on the porch. Just before Vince can turn around, she calls out to him.
“Vince!” He looks in her direction, and she shakes her head. He growls but reluctantly walks back to his house.
“I told you to leave. I'm glad to see you still don't listen,” comes Malik's voice. I turn to see him hand Andrei a shirt. He tosses me one, and I snatch it out of the air and quickly pull it on.
“You being here will make things worse for her...” Andrei growls at me. “You should have left when I said!”
“Andrei!” Sage scolds.
“Don't, Sage. You can't seriously be defending him after what he did!”
“Yeah, well, don't pretend I'm the only one that doubts his story,” Sage growls, stalking back to the house. Andrei shakes his head, watching her leave before returning his attention to me. He looks at me briefly before his eyes go to Rose's house behind me.
“You can't be any worse than him. Maybe you can make her see sense! I rather you Alpha than him,” Andrei snaps, walking off. I stare after him when he calls out.
“Meet me for dinner at 7 PM. And don't be late!” he yells out without bothering to look back.
I swallow, glancing at Rose's house and then at Malik. “Come on, let's get you cleaned up. I don't know about you, but I could use a damn drink.”
“What am I missing?” I ask, scooping my bag up as I follow Malik home.
“You still haven't figured it out?” Malik asks.
“I wouldn't be asking if I had. Why isn't Rose Alpha?”
“She is. Rose calls the shots. We are all ordered to obey unless Andrei pulls rank.”
“But he was supposed to retire?” I question, and Malik stops, glancing at Rose's house.
“After Rose banished you, Vince came back. Andrei then challenged her for her title, not wanting Vince to have it. Since then, he has refused to hand the title back over.”
“What? ....Why?” Malik scoffs and shakes his head.
“I can't say.... but if Andrei doesn't tell you, you'll know soon enough!” Malik says, glaring at Rose's place. He then turns and keeps walking. I follow, and my brows furrow in confusion.
“You shouldn't have left,” Malik says as we reach the house.
“She banished me!” I snap, sick of repeating myself.
“That didn't mean you had to go missing for four years!” Malik argues.
“Well, it's not like I had a welcoming party when I arrived back here, Malik! You told me to leave!”
“Because you were banished by Rose. Because of what you did!” Malik yells at me.
“I was protecting her!”
“Were you? Because Vince tells a different story...” I press my lips together.