Watching Eziah play with Corina and Lucas, constructing a makeshift fort from a table and sheets and two chairs, fills me with a warmth I've rarely felt. We are watching the kids as Dominic goes to grab dinner and Rose and Casen go to grab some things from the store. Tomorrow we leave to head back to Eziah's parents’ pack so Eziah can take over.
As they giggle and create together, my heart swells with love for this man who will soon lead his pack as Alpha. Despite the nervous flutter in my stomach, I'm eager for our new life, our home.
Reflecting on my past, I realize I wouldn't change a thing. Each horrid thing, each heartbreak, led me to Eziah, to this moment of peace. Liora's voice echoes in my mind.
“He'd be a good father.” I smile, agreeing silently, but not ready to share him just yet. For now, I'll cherish having him to myself.
“But I think I'll be selfish and keep him as just mine for a while longer,” I tell her.
Eziah emerges from the fort, Corina clinging to his back, and he settles beside me while Lucas assesses the fort structure they built.
“Go get your dolls,” Eziah tells Corina when Jonah comes rushing out of the room up the hall. Eziah sits up, alert, his fear hitting me. “She's awake! Mara is awake!” Jonah says, and I look at Eziah.
Lucas jumps to his feet and rushes down the hall when a knock sounds on the door. “We’ll let you guys have your moment, I will get the door,” Eziah tells Jonah, who nods thankfully.
Rose, Casen, and Casey arrive. “Are you guys heading off?” Eziah inquires. Rose confirms with a nod, and Casey, eager to play, darts past them.
“She is seeing her mother, she'll be out in a minute,” Eziah tells Casey.
“Marabella is awake?!” Rose asks hopefully. Eziah smiles and nods. “Literally, just woke up,” Eziah tells her.
“Casey, stay out here. Let Lucas and Corina see Aunty Mara first,” Rose tells Casey, who wanders over to the couch with her dolly, and so does Casen.
Moving back to the couch, Eziah turns to look at Casen. “Are you coming tomorrow?” Casen asks him.
“Of course!” Eziah answers.
“What's happening tomorrow?” I ask.
“Uncle Andrei hands the pack down,” Eziah explains, and I nod, smiling at Rose.
“Are you nervous about being Alpha?” I ask her, and she shrugs.
“Not really,” she says, and Casen brushes his fingers through her hair.
“What about you, Casey? Are you excited to be going home?” Before she can answer, Lucas and Corina come out with Kyan. Kyan approaches, his tired eyes betraying his worry for Marabella.
Kyan looks at Eziah and nods toward the room. “Everything alright?” Eziah asks. Kyan steps closer to Eziah and I get up when Eziah motions for me to. Stopping at his side. Kyan is a mess, his eyes glassy like he never slept last night. He peers down the hall.
“What is it?!” Eziah asks worry, lacing his tone.
“She lost Kora,” he informs us, his voice laden with grief. Eziah sighs heavily, shaking his head.
“Marabella?” I ask him, and Kyan looks at me.
“Relieved to be back, but grieving her wolf,” Eziah nods sadly, and I know how that feels. But saying that I never truly lost mine, they just turned out to be something else entirely, they were vessels for their true identity, Liora.
“You go see her, she asked for you,” Kyan tells him.
I turn to sit back on the couch when Kyan stops me. “You too Temperance. You're family, you can see her too,” he tells me, and I look at Eziah. He inclines his head to follow him when Casey speaks up.
“Can I see her Uncle Kye?” Kyan chuckles.
“Go on rugrat, quick before she falls asleep, she’s tired,” Kyan tells her, and I hold out my hand for Casey. She grabs it bouncing on her feet excitedly as we follow Eziah.
The moment we step into the room, Marabella sits up higher. Jonah sits next to her watching her. Eziah moves to her instantly and hugs her. Marabella squeezes him tight. “You had us worried,” Eziah tells her.
Pulling back, he smiles sadly. “Kyan told me about Kora,” Eziah tells her, and her lip quivers, eyes turning glassy.