“I can't let her. We can't!” Shadow whimpers as they strap little Casey down.

“What?” I beg her when Casey screams and so does Sage. But it's Lucas’s scream that sends the power out. The lights flicker before total darkness engulfs us. Lorelei screams to get the lights back on, only when they do return, Casey is gone from the chair. “Where did she go?!” Lorelei snarls, looking around before spotting the cage empty, the door still shut.

“Did I forget to tell you Lucas can portal?” Sage cackles. “Oh silly me, must have slipped my mind!” she mocks. Lorelei, in a rage, storms toward her, but then the lights flicker again and the power goes out once more. Lorelei and Satish snarl, and I feel something brush my back, making me jump.

“I know you're in here, Lucas!” Satish speaks, and my eyes dart to the side. Sage's eyes glow back at me when the power comes back on, and I suck in breath when I notice Lucas untying Sage. But there’s something very off about him. His skin is ghostly pale; his nose dribbles with blood.

“Hmm, it seems he has power yet is too weak to harness it!” Satish laughs just as Lucas sways on his feet. “He'll do for the sacrifice, put him in the chair!” Lucas collapses, and my breath comes in short pants as panic kicks in. We may have Casey out of here, but now Lucas is trapped.

They strap Lucas down, while I pull on my restraints, my heart racing frantically in my chest when I feel something odd. Both Shadow and Nova go quiet within me when it feels like they both step forward at once, but it's Shadow who speaks of that, I am sure. However, it is Nova’s voice I hear. Only it has Shadow’s sharp edges to it. I wonder if I’m just delirious from the electric shocks.

Just as they are about to shock Lucas though, Shadow surges forward, seizing control. “You always were a weak piece of shit Satish! To hurt a child?!” her voice vibrates out of me with a menacing edge.

Lorelei turns towards me, a twisted smile on her lips. “We did it! She’s marvelous!” she utters, her hand cold on my face. “And so we meet the Shadow side,” Lorelei smiles, looking over at her son.

Shadow laughs, a sound that chills the air. “Do you know what a shadow is?!” she taunts.

Lorelei smirks. “She’s feisty. Now we just need to break them and get them to merge. Shock them, use everything we’ve got!” she orders eagerly.

Shadow’s laughter grows darker. “Shadows steal light. Light becomes darkness. And what comes next is blinding!” she threatens, her presence overpowering the room, yet I feel the nauseous feeling emanating from her.

“But you’re not just darkness, being a Gemini,” Lorelei retorts, undeterred by Shadow’s ominous warning.

The air crackles with tension. My wolf’s emergence has changed the game, but to what end? And what did Lorelei mean by making them merge? Fear and uncertainty grip me, even as I’m trapped within my own body, an observer to the battle before me.

“She means we all become one,” I gasp at Nova's words when Shadow answers next.

“A cataclysm,” Shadow growls, when suddenly an explosion goes off above ground, dust, and debris rain down.

“Now, Satish! They're here! They've found us!” Lorelei screams at her son, when another blast makes the entire place shake.

ChapterOne Hundred Three


The world shakes violently as explosions rock the building from above, the ground beneath me quivering as if in fear. “They're here! They've found us!” Lorelei’s scream cuts through the chaos, her voice a promise of the war about to ensue.

Lorelei hits a button, and a jolt of electricity courses through me in unending waves, tearing screams from my throat. The world around me erupts into chaos – Ezra, Mateo, and Andrei burst through the door, their arrival a storm of fury and blood.

“Complete the ritual, Satish! We'll hold them off!” Lorelei yells over the cacophony. The battle rages, a maelstrom of violence and fury. I catch glimpses of the fight – Andrei's desperate attempts to revive Sage, his hands pressing rhythmically against her chest.

Sage gasps, her body lurching upright in a sudden resurgence of life, but my own heart feels like it's about to burst from my chest. The pain ebbs, my vision blurring into obscurity, yet the screams of battle continue to pierce my fading consciousness. My heartbeat drums in my ears, a frantic, uneven rhythm that seems to echo the surrounding chaos.

Amidst the turmoil, a torrent of memories floods my senses, overwhelming and relentless. I’m thrown back to my 18th birthday, a day marked by violation and despair. We were so excited to leave our cage, we thought Satish had a change of heart. But we were wrong!

There is nothing more vile than man, and I have endured the worst.

All of Satish’s followers were utter trash, revolting. All night, they took turns between my legs, forcing themselves inside me while he watched with a depraved smile, taking pleasure in their sick pleasure and my pain.

Until it was his turn.

Every detail of our torment replays, so detailed I can feel the ropes that bound me to the table, the hands holding my legs apart. The stench of alcohol on their breaths. The raucous laughter and catcalling as they cheered each other on, their grunts and groans, and the wet slapping sounds of their thrusting.

Finally, when the last one was done ravaging me, it was Satish’s turn. He took his time with me, enjoying every moment of my humiliation, until I was bruised and bleeding and scared out of my wits.

Satish was a monster, a kind of evil I hadn't known existed until that moment. I felt violated and broken, and was certain I would never again experience even a hint of joy. I was resigned to a lifetime of fear, pain and despair, convinced that my life would never be anything but a cruel and inescapable nightmare. Nova whimpers in my head, remembering it as our lives continue to flash before my eyes, even the memories taken from me.

I relive the harrowing moment of giving birth, only for my baby to be torn from my arms by Satish, his cruel laughter echoing in my ears. I see through Shadow's eyes, me walking in on our baby being sacrificed, her anguish tangible. She took upon herself the grim task of ensuring we never bore another child, biting into her own flesh to prevent further pregnancies. These recollections rip through me, tearing at the very fabric of my soul.