I drink deeply, the cold water soothing my dry throat. “Where’s Temperance?!”

“They've been taken by Satish and Vince. They took Lucas and Casey too,” Rose murmurs, her eyes glistening.

“Marabella?!” I ask, looking around.

“Alive, but unconscious. She hasn't woken, and we…” Dominic trails off looking at Kyan who has a haunted look on his face. I look at Jonah, his face holding the same worry.

“We what?!” I ask, waiting for an answer. My mother sighs heavily despite never aging, this entire ordeal seems to have added years with the lines of worry evident on her face. Her eyes are hollow, and the gold light in them seems to have dimmed.

“We don't know what state she'll be in. Kaif brought her back with black magic and used the shadows.”

“Marabella is the shadows!” I remind her, the shadows can't hurt her.

“Exactly what I've said!” Kyan snarls angrily, glaring at Kat.

“Yes, but people don't always return the same Kyan, you know this. You need to be prepared for the worst in case….” Kyan glares at his father.

“She won't be rabid! And even if she is, any of you dares touch her…” He doesn't finish, instead he calms some when Jonah wraps an arm around across his chest, pulling backward.

“Calm down, she'll be fine!” I just managed to hear him whisper to Kyan. Kyan doesn't calm down any, but also doesn't fight Jonah after his next words.

“Corina is in the next room, we don't want to wake her. She is traumatized enough. Settle down!” Jonah warns him once again.

My heart plummets. A surge of rage builds within me. “So, what's the plan?!”

“We can't rush into this, not after what Satish did. We don’t even know what he is!” Kyan states as he diverts his attention to me and away from his father.

“What do you mean ‘what he is’?!” I question, my gaze darting between them.

Jonah steps forward, meeting my eyes. “Satish isn’t just a werewolf, Eziah. He has powers—God-given powers and strength or something. Even Marabella couldn't stop him.”

My gaze drifts to Rose, who had previous encounters with Satish. Meeting my eyes, she nods, confirming Jonah's claim.

“He's more than we thought. Some kind of hybrid or mutation, perhaps?” she says, looking over at Casen who stares glaring at the muted TV when my mother's phonepingsindicating a message.

“Andrei and Sage are on their way to the city, his men have been out scouting too. He's also ringing the other packs to be on the lookout. They're aiding in the search,” my mother adds.

A sense of foreboding washes over me, but before I can process the information, Dominic's challenging voice pierces the air, addressing Kyan.

“What did you discover from Mnemosyne in the Underworld?” Dominic inquires, looking at his son.

Kyan hesitates, a shadow of discomfort crossing his features. “Reaper wolves were created by Hades. That they can't be killed. I know you thought you got rid of most of them in the city.”

Dominic's disbelief is palpable. “Ididkill them. I watched Lorelei and Dior get buried with my own eyes,” he warns Kyan, the edge in his tone jarring. I know Dominic has a history with the reaper wolves, yet even after these years, it doesn't seem to have lessened, but then again, I doubt I will get over what they did to Temperance. If anything, knowing Temperance has intensified my hatred for them.

Kyan's voice lowers, and there's a gravity to it, I've never heard before. “You didn't. Only the were-bears can truly kill them….” Kyan looks at me and sighs.

“In Hades's memories, he created the were-bears to kill them after he observed them unburying themselves after being killed and putting themselves back together. He tried everything to kill them, but he couldn't… I'm sorry Dad, but chances are they're still alive.”

“Were-bears?!” my father Mateo blurts out, bewildered. The room is filled with echoing murmurs of confusion. Everyone's gaze shifts to my mother.

She sighs, an old weariness evident in her eyes. “I've always said they weren't my issue. But yes, even I am shocked to learn they were one of his creations.”

Before anyone can react, Dominic, overwhelmed with denial, storms out the door, slamming it behind him. The echoing sound magnifies the tension in the room.

“Do you want me to go?” Jonah asks, looking at Kyan.

“No, let him calm down. He knows obviously he didn't get them all, he's always known, but I think it touched a nerve to learn those responsible for mom might still be alive.”