I have never seen him so angry before, and I have seen him angry, but this, this is something else. Glancing in the back seat, I see his mate is passed out with a woolen blanket covering her naked body. She looks like she’s hanging on by a thread.

I still can’t wrap my head around the fact we found her. What’s more, I can't believe I ran her over and I am still alive! Leave it to me to nearly kill the girl after years of searching for her. As Eziah navigates the windy roads, I grab my phone and turn the screen on. I open up my call log and dial Rose’s number.

It rings in my ear before going to voicemail, and I sigh, tossing it back on the floor between my feet. Her voicemail is the only time I hear her voice. It has been that way for the last four years, and not having any link to her anymore, not even via the pack link, makes me lonely.

“Fuck!” Eziah growls. “Grab her!” he orders me. I move to do as he asks, on impulse under his command. I growl at him. I hate when he commands me. It feels unnatural given that I’m rogue. Commands were reserved for Betas and Gammas. I know it shouldn’t affect me at all, but since he is part Demi-God, thanks to his mother, he can technically order anyone.

That has caused some issues for Kat, especially when we first started looking for his mate. He would command packs, and it started wars until she ordered him not to do it. Though no one can resist his commands, when it came to meeting packs, he had to rely on other gifts.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, trying to hold her and not expose the poor girl.

“I drove past the turnoff; I need to find somewhere to turn around.”

“Where? You’ll have to go to the top,” I tell him. The road is far too narrow for two passing cars, so it would be risky to do a u-turn with all these blind corners.

“There!” Eziah says, and I glance over my shoulder. “What?” my voice comes out a squeak.He’s going to fucking kill us.Eziah nearly loses control of the wheel as he points to the sharp corner coming up.

“It has a barrier,” he says.

“And a sheer fucking drop!” I screech at him when he suddenly speeds up. “And that is not a barrier! That is chicken mesh! That won’t stop the car!”

“It’ll be fine!” he snaps, and I see his eyes flicker while mine widen in horror. My wolf presses against my skin. “We’re going to die! Glad it’s you, not me!”

“We are the same person, dimwit!”

“Yeah, but you will be the one crushed into a pretzel while I’m safe in your head!” Zyan, my wolf, snarls at me. I shake my head.

“Hold her!” Eziah yells at me as if I wasn’t already. He rips the handbrake up, and I scream like a banshee as I am tossed into him sideways.

The tires screech, making my teeth hurt as he rips the steering wheel to the side. I pray that was just a fart when all I see is the night sky out the rear window before the car slams against the side of the mountain with a loud crash.

“See plenty of room!” Eziah says before I am tossed into the dash.

Meanwhile, he hits the accelerator. “I said to hold her!” he growls.

I scramble forward, my legs caught awkwardly in the seat belt. Reaching over, I grab her limp body that is leaning over and push her dangling body back onto the seat, the seatbelt the only thing stopping her from falling into the foot well.

“Fuck! Did you fart?”

“I hope that’s all it was!” I tell him.

“Filthy bastard!” he snarls like I didn’t just have the millionth near-death experience since being on this trip with him. Turning back to the front, my heart is still racing in my chest when Eziah turns onto the dirt road. His aura is menacing as he drives up the long road, dust and dirt flying everywhere when he starts to slow down.

“Eziah, this is a bad idea!” I tell him, and he growls at me. He stops the car and tosses the door open.

“Wait here. If she wakes, mindlink me, and I will leave my link to you open!” He slams the door, and I glance in the back.

“Eziah!” I snarl, tossing my door open. However, when I climb out, he is already pulling his clothes off, dumping them on the ground as he walks. I curse, shaking my head when I see him toss the last article of clothing he has left, his shirt. He shifts, darting into the trees.

“This isn’t going to end well,” Zyan tells me, and I have to agree, there won’t be anything left of this pack. His mother is going to kill him if he wipes the lot of them out.

Grabbing his clothes, I turn to walk back to the car when I stop seeing movement inside the car. His mate sits up; I watch her for a second as she stares at her hands, then her head whips from side to side before her eyes widen on me when she peers out the front window. I put my hands up in surrender as I approach her. Her chest rises and falls heavily as she starts yanking on the doors, trying to get out. I move to the back door when she jumps over the seats into the front.

“I won’t hurt you!” I tell her. But the words are barely out of my mouth when she shifts.

A somewhat small but determined white wolf smashes straight through the window, making it burst and attack me. All I see is white fur when I feel her teeth tear into my shoulder. Zyan snarls, also shifting when she takes off into the woods.

“Eziah! Problem!”