The memory morphs again, revealing the majestic Octavian Manor, back before it became the cemetery for the Octavian bloodline. Their family settles in, with the birth of Luna adding to their happiness. The grounds, which I can sense are sacred, radiate an aura of protection. Celeste, surrounded by her coven, finally feels at home.

However, their happiness is fleeting. Celeste's trust in Hades begins to waver, growing paranoid about his mysterious nocturnal disappearances. I watch as she confides in Kaif, who suggests that perhaps Hades is visiting other villages. Taking his advice, she leaves Luna in his care and decides to follow her husband one evening.

She turned to Kaif, her voice filled with urgency. “Do you think Luca is visiting other villages?”

Kaif nodded slowly. “It's possible. Perhaps you could follow him one evening and find out where he goes.”

“Yes, of course.” She bites her lip, not knowing what she would do if she finds out that Luca is cheating on her. But she has to know. “Luna can stay here while I'm gone,” she says determinedly.

Kaif hesitates before nodding in agreement, his face solemn.

Taking a deep breath, she gives Luna one last hug goodbye and leaves with determination coursing through her veins.

I feel my heart race as Hades leaves, telling Celeste he is going hunting. She follows and witnesses Hades opening a portal. After a moment of hesitation, she steps in after him. The scene that awaits her is beyond her wildest imagination. A dark, stone castle, the cries of children echoing through its halls. As she edges closer, a confrontation unfolds before her.

“She is my mate, what do you expect, Persephone? We have a daughter together,” Hades, or ratherLucaas Celeste knows him, argues.

The name 'Persephone' sends a shiver down my spine. Celeste hiding witnesses the drama as Persephone yells back, “You just abandoned us for some woman!”

Peeking into what seems to be a futuristic kitchen to Celeste, Celeste's world shatters as she overhears their conversation. When Persephone storms off, and Hades notices her, the realization is earth-shattering.

“Celeste?!” he murmurs, panic evident in his voice.

“How did you get here?” Hades asks her, hands out to her in a gesture revealing his utter panic.

She steps back, confusion and betrayal evident in her eyes. “Who are you?”

However, before he can answer, Persephone's return intensifies the confrontation. “How did she get in here? You bring your whore back here!” Persephone yells at Hades. Celeste becomes enraged at the insult. “You dare bring her here to flaunt in my face? I'm your wife, yet you choose a mortal over me, Hades!”

“I can explain,” Hades tries to tell her, but her anger rises, he betrayed her, lied for all those years. She wants to hurt him, hurt him like he hurt her, and she lets her magic loose, only instead of aiming at him, she aims her magic at Persephone.

“I’ll kill you! Kill all of you!” Celeste rages. Hades blocks her magic when Persephone screams.

Hades attempts to mediate are futile. Celeste's anger and magic flare up. In her rage, a spell meant for Persephone goes astray, striking his son instead.

“What have you done?!” Hades gasps, staggering toward his son.

Celeste cups her face when Persephone, who clutches her son, glares at her, lifting her hand when Hades notices her rage.

“No! Persephone…” He turns, opening a portal and blasting Celeste with his magic. She is shoved through the portal back to the realm we call earth before Persephone could destroy her.

The memories continue, painting a tale of pain and longing. Hades saved his son by taking him to Earth. He tries to reconcile with Celeste, but when she rejects him, his wrath knows no bounds. He annihilates the village around the manor, sparing only her coven. Celeste flees, ever on the move, fearing Hades's vengeance.


From the depths of memory, I watch the past unravel.

The village is cast in a deep and mysterious hue, illuminated by the twinkling stars of an inky-black night sky.

But the serene imagery is about to be disrupted.

At the edge of the village stands Hades looking tall and imposing, wreathed in shadows and the red glow of his angry eyes. He looks at the village that harbors his nemesis, Celeste. A protective ward shields it, visible to his divine eyes. A shimmering barrier only he could sense. Frustrated, he directed his gaze to a neighboring village, untouched by Celeste’s magic.

Initially, it seems his intent is to destroy it as a mere statement, a show of power to taunt and beckon Celeste from the safety of the wards.

But as Hades approaches, something catches his eye: a lone wolf silver-furred, stalking sheep on the village outskirts. Its predatory grace fascinates him for a moment. I feel an icy chill, as I watch him watch the wolf with an unnerving excitement.

The wolf lunges, and the poor lamb never stood a chance. The baby lamb’s whine echoes, short-lived and abruptly cut. Hades pauses, observing the predator’s raw power, its eyes shining with an insatiable hunger. The god of the underworld somehow looks contemplative.