“So, what did you find?” Dominic questions ,and we all look at Eziah, Kyan, and Katya.
“We found more questions than answers. And learned Kaif and Bain have more issues than any sibling rivalry I've come across,” Eziah chuckles.
“Oh, gossip. Is it juicy? I bet it is!” Mateo asks from the recliner across the other side of the room. He leans forward eagerly and we all look at Kyan who is buttoning up his shirt unaware everyone is staring at him until the silence becomes deafening, making him lift his head.
He peers around at everyone. “What?” he asks.
“Kaif and Bain?” Dominic asks him.
“A misunderstanding,” Kyan states like that is all the answer he needs to give.
“That's all we get?” Mateo asks as Katya runs her fingers through his hair as she leans against the armchair he is sitting on.
“Bain believed it was Kaif that sold Bain out to Celeste when he returned to Seline. But it was just Celeste, it seems she is more complicated than I thought,” Katya states.
“Kaif sold out his own brother?” Ezra asks, curiously.
“No, Bain believed Kaif did. Celeste just tracked him down, she is a Goddess, and nothing remains hidden to a Goddess, especially when they are both tethered to her,” Kyan states. Mateo scrunches his face up, then scratches his chin.
We all look at Mateo.
“Bain is Koraline's father, right?” he asks looking up at Katya. She nods and everyone looks at him while I am wondering who this Koraline is. “So… Kaif is mated to his niece?” Mateo questions, and I pull a face. I thought he was mated to Marabella? I don't remember seeing another woman.
“He is talking about Marabella's wolf, I think,” Nova answers my confusion.
“Ew, no…!” Kyan states, outraged at the accusation.
“I'm not judging, if you guys want to keep it in the family, that’s your business. I'm just grateful my grandkids didn't come out with webbed toes and an extra head,” Mateo says, and Katya nudges him, shooting him a glare. “What? They're brothers!” Mateo says, and Ezra sighs heavily, shaking his head at his mate.
“Why is everyone looking at me like that? I just said what you were all thinking!” Mateo says, and I glance up at Eziah.
“Yeah, I was thinking that myself,” Eziah whispers under his breath, and Kyan spins to glare at him.
“I am not inbred!” Kyan growls viciously, making me jump.
“Well, not you, but Kaif,” Mateo blurts and Kyan snarls, baring his teeth. “I am not having this argument! Kaif you better explain this, or… or … You better explain this!” Kyan growls when Dominic leans closer to whisper.
“I promise, he is not usually this cranky. He just hasn't had his coffee quota. Just a little caffstration, no need to fear dear,” he says, patting my knee.
Kyan suddenly growls and his aura ripples out, and I look at him to see his eyes now onyx as Kaif comes forward. “Let me guess you are the one that upset him,” Kaif says, glaring at Mateo.
“I asked a legitimate question about whether we need to be on the lookout for webbed toes in future grandkids,” Mateo tells him.
“Excuse me?” Kaif snarls.
“With you being mated to your niece and all. As I said to Kyan, I am not judging.”
“Judging? So your judgment about my mate is not judging? You do realize I have to live in his head, he is hard enough to live with at the moment with Marabella putting him in the doghouse after this entire Nympho business! Let alone taunting him when he hasn't hit his caffeine quota. He is extra brewdy this morning,” Kaif states, and Dominic snickers beside me.
“See caffstration.” Dominic chuckles, and Kaif glares at him.
“Shut it old man, it isn't funny!”
Dominic snickers again, unperturbed by his son’s Lycan's rage.
“So back to the webbed toes?” Mateo asks rubbing his hands together eagerly like this is the best gossip. Ezra hangs his head beside Katya and pinches the bridge of his nose.