Page 5 of Preacher

“I’m on the rooftop across the way. I have no clear view inside the building.” He didn’t like his vantage point, either. Like Crow, he needed to move. “I’m moving locations. Give me two minutes, Preacher,” Wrench told everyone listening.

“Fuck.” The word came over the channel along with the sound of debris crumbling. “I may need more than five minutes, boys.” Wrench struggled to get his foot free from the tar roof and gravel that had given way beneath his weight.

When his foot dislodged, Wrench cautiously moved across the roof, sticking closer to its edge. “Crow, be careful on that roof. This one’s soft and falling in, in places,” Wrench bit out.

Now in a better position, Wrench let his brothers know he was ready. “I have the front entrance covered if they run.”

“Remember, we need at least one alive.” They needed to find out every piece of information they could from their targets.

Crow looked through his rifle’s scope. “I have the back door and Preacher covered.”

It was go-time, Preacher thought. Counting down from three, he moved on one. Glass shattered as smoke bombs were thrown through windows. When they detonated, smoke created a distraction as it engulfed the interior. Bones and Preacher gained entrance during the chaos as the sounds of men screaming and choking fractured the air. Preacher moved through the clouds of dense, white smoke wearing a gas mask.

When he grabbed the first guy, Preacher didn’t have to do much. The guys were on the ground, coughing and wiping at their eyes, trying to shield themselves from the smoke. Preacher and Bones grabbed them, dragging them clear before removing their breathing apparatuses.

Gypsy shoved his mask back from his face, staring at the three guys lying at Preacher’s and Bones’s feet. “Get them up,” he told the two brothers.

Preacher and Bones dragged chairs over, then they proceeded to not so gently toss the guys into them. “What do you want?” one of the guys whined.

“We’ll get to that momentarily.” Gypsy walked around the area, looking through discarded papers. There was nothing that amounted to anything pertaining to them. The place looked like a gamer’s hangout, with large flat screen TVs connected to computer systems displaying online multi-player games in progress. Turning back around, he looked at the three guys and noticed they appeared to be maybe twenty. One of them looked much younger.

Pointing to the youngest guy, Gypsy had Preacher bring him over. When Preacher shoved the guy at Gypsy, he realized the guy was a kid. “How old are you?”

“Seventeen,” the kid barely got out as he stammered over the word. Looking at the brothers, Gypsy was pissed. They had just come in hot on a bunch of damn teenagers. Walking over to the other two guys, Gypsy asked who they were and what the place was.

Both guys pointed to the younger kid, telling Gypsy it was a warehouse they used as a clubhouse to play online games. “Whip owns this place.”

“Who’s Whip?”

“His sister.”

Turning back around, he watched the kid rubbing at his eyes. “What’s your name, son?”

Gypsy listened as the kid stuttered, “Glitch.”

“Call your sister for me.” Watching as Glitch shook his head repeatedly, Gypsy was losing his patience. “You call her or I will.” The kid walked back to a sofa and found his phone, all while he watched Gypsy.

“Whi-pp,” the kid stuttered, struggling to get her name out.

Gypsy asked for the phone and listened as a concerned female voice came across the line. “Hello, is this Glitch’s sister, Whip?”

“Who the hell is this?”

“Name’s Gypsy, and your brother and his friends are in some serious trouble with my club.” He listened to the silence.

“Where’s my brother?”

“At the warehouse.”

“I’m on my way. And Gypsy, is it?”


“If one hair on his head is out of place, I’ll cut your fucking balls off.”

Before Gypsy could reply, the phone went dead. Handing it back to Glitch, he signaled for the brothers to search the place. Something told him whoever Whip was, she would be interesting. “You three settle in. Whip’s on her way.”

Gypsy watched Glitch appear visibly sick. Evidently, his big sister wasn’t someone the kid liked to piss off. “Kid, if you haven’t done anything wrong, there’s nothing to worry about.”