Page 24 of Offside

“Oh, my dear. I can’t tell you how sorry we are about your uncle Marvin. He and Gordon aren’t terribly close, but I do know Gordon has kept tabs on Marv’s situation through his circle of friends. Has there been any improvement in his condition?”

I shake my head and blink away the tears that I promised I wouldn’t shed tonight. It’s just so lonely celebrating a birthday without the one person in my life who has made every one of my previous birthdays special.

While Marv has never been overly affectionate with me—often distant with his head always on his businesses matters—I still knew he cared. Maybe that’s the reason I appear overly cool and distant to people until they get to know me. I’m not oblivious to the rumors I’ve heard and the ice queen label I’ve been given. Marv taught me to portray myself as no nonsense and no bullshit. But I do have a heart and I’m not incapable of giving and showing love and affection.

I crave it, too. I want a man who will be there to support me with his strength so I can let go. I don’t need flowers and candy or a ballroom full of balloons on my birthday.

I just want someone to make me feel cherished and loved.

I finish my drink and set it down on the high table next to us as I consider the best way to explain Marv’s status. “Marv is stable. I’ve moved him out of the rehab center and back into his home with 24-hour care. He still remains unconscious and in a coma, hooked up to a ventilator and feeding tube. I’m probably just holding out hope he’ll regain consciousness. It’s my only birthday wish.”

Diana’s expression moves from sadness to excitement, her smile turning bright. “It’s your birthday today?”

I shrug. “Yep. I’m celebrating my last year in my twenties.”

“Oh, you young thing. What I wouldn’t give for my twenties again.”

Then, if possible, Diana’s smile grows even wider as her gaze moves behind me. When I turn to look over my shoulder, I’m met with broad shoulders in a black tuxedo.

Ballas stands there, two glasses in his hands. One is a tumbler with a dark amber liquid and the other is a champagne flute. His magnetism is potent, and my heart lurches wildly at how handsome he looks in the tux.

He offers the flute to me, the corners of his mouth tipped up underneath his trim beard. His hair is neatly slicked back from his face and his eyes offer a glint of promises.

“You looked in need of a drink.”

Did Diana just swoon?

I accept the offered glass. “Thank you, Ballas. That’s very thoughtful.”

Ballas raises his hand and tips his glass to the edge of mine. “Think nothing of it. It’s the least I can do, especially now that I hear it’s your birthday.”

“Thanks.” I try to keep the blush from creeping up my face, but it’s no use. Ballas has a way of making the heat rise unbidden in my body. And not just in my cheeks. “Let’s not make a big deal of it. In fact, let’s just keep it between us.”

The smirk he gives me tells me exactly what he’s thinking.

“I’m good with secrets.” He winks.

Goddamn him for being so hot.

Realizing Diana is quietly observing the exchange between us, I spin back to her and champagne spills out over the top of my glass. I swipe my finger over the rim and bring the liquid to my lips, licking it off. A low, audible noise comes from Ballas’s throat.

“Diana, forgive me for being so rude. Let me introduce you to—”

“Ballas the Beast.”

My eyes widen at Diana’s declaration. “You just said you don’t watch hockey.”

Diana laughs and waves her hand. “I don’t. But one doesn’t have to be a hockey fan in this town to know who Ballas Keeney is. I’m so happy to see you again, Ballas.”

He bends at the waist, raises Diana’s hand to his lips, and kisses her knuckles. Good Lord, this man is the true definition of lady’s man.Flirtatious player, more like it.

“Nice to see you again, Mrs. Thorpe.”

“Assuming you have no other commitments tonight,” Diana prods, grabbing onto one of Ballas’s hands, “I think you should act as Karis’s escort for the evening and be her birthday date.”

I nearly choke on my champagne.

My eyes snap up to Ballas, who gives me a crooked grin.