Should have been inside that building with his family.

Coming to a stop in the field nearby, he stumbled out of the truck. Leaning against Felicia, he took a deep breath, trying like hell to steady himself.

Firefighters were putting out the flames.

Police and paramedics checked for signs of life on the bodies being brought out. Body after body was tagged and covered.The ambulances sat empty, not a single one being loaded with a survivor.

The media was arriving, like vultures circling a dead animal in the road, drawn to the smell of a headline story.

Shane knew he had to leave before anyone recognized him. Whoever did this clearly wanted themalldead. He was supposed to be inside.


Inside the building, which was turning to ash. Inside, where the beams had crashed to the ground. Inside, where his family had perished. He was meant to be in there with them, by their sides.

Why did he go home?

Why didn’t he come straight here?

Maybe he could have stopped this.

Maybe he could have saved some of them.

Those thoughts won’t help now. What matters is I am alive, and I need to stay that way. Leave this place before they realize they haven’t completed the job and left survivors.

He knew he should, but he couldn’t.

His body wouldn’t obey his mind. He was glued to the scene before him. He was still standing there when a group of police officers climbed the hill a moment later.

“The ones who weren’t killed by the smoke inhalation, the fire, or the building falling were shot and executed as they tried to get out,” one was saying.

“This was a slaughter, not a tragic fire. This is straight homicide,” another said.

“Everyone is dead, everyone. Men, women, and children. They just pulled a fucking toddler out.” A third scrubbed his hand over his face, leaving a trail of black ash in its wake.

“Who would do such a thing?” the lone female officer asked.

“Any survivors?” Another officer, newly arrived on the scene, rushed up to the group.

“None, not even the children. Whoever did this made sure of it.”

“This wasn’t an accident?” the new officer asked.

“No, this was no accident. It was a preplanned, perfectly executed crime.”

“Hey! Hey, you!” an officer, noticing Shane for the first time, called out. “Who are you? What are you doing here? Stay where you are! Hands in the air!” All the officers in the circle turned toward him, their hands going to their weapons. None of them pulled them out of the holsters, but they wanted him to know they were armed.

Shane understood.

He could be the perpetrator, returning to watch. He slowly raised his hands in the air.

“I am unarmed. My name is Chief Petty Officer Shane O’Brien, United States Navy.” One officer came over and patted him down.

“Do you have anything on you that will stick, poke, or harm me?”

“No, Sir.”

“What are you doing here, Mr. O’Brien?”