Page 35 of His For The Keeping

Shane wasn’t cruel or cold. Even as angry as she was with him at the moment, she wasn’t afraid of him.

“Just because I moved away doesn’t mean I wasn’t raised and conditioned in the lifestyle. Newsflash, I am now the head of the O’Brien Clan.”

“You wanted my cooperation, then the first chance you got, you went behind my back and made plans without discussing anything with me, and—”

“That is enough.” His hand tightened around her throat. “There are going to be many times when I’ll have to make fast judgment calls to keep us safe and won’t have time to talk it over with you. I am the master of this relationship. Do you get me?”

He squeezed so tight, the air was cut off for a brief second, then let go and braced his hands on either side of her head.

“I don’t. I don’t get you. I’m not into those types of relationships. I want a partner, not a master. A partner, not a slave driver or a boss.”

“Frankly, it doesn’t matter what you want. What matters right now is what you need. I’m willing to be your partner, to give you forty percent say in this relationship, but at the end of the day, I am the boss. I’m in control. I get the final say. You will learn to deal with it or…”

“Or what?” she snapped.

“Or I will paddle your ass raw until you can’t sit down.” He snatched her wrist and dragged her over to the bed. Before she had a chance to think, he had propped his foot on the edge, draped her over his leg, and slammed his hand on her butt. The thin material of her white sundress offered little protection.

“Ow! Ow! Shane! Stop! It hurts! Please!”

“Oh, we’ve just gotten started. You think it hurts now? I’m going to redden this perfect white butt of yours, so you can remember this discussion all the way to Colorado.” His hand came down in rapid succession, covering the entire area of her behind, fast and furious. He didn’t lift her skirt or remove her underwear, just slapped her butt in a determined fashion.

She couldn’t hold back her whimpers and the low, anguished cries of pain that spilled out from her. Then the throbbing began, and a hum of electricity pulsed between her legs. It took her a second to realize Shane had stopped spanking her.

“Change your clothes. We leave in ten minutes.” He ordered before walking out of the room.

Shaking, Frankie stood and walked to the suitcase Mak had packed for her, pulling out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Slipping the white dress over her head, she groaned at how hard her nipples were. It was just as infuriating to realize her pussy was wet. It was drenched, so much so, she’d have to change her panties.

Her body liked Shane’s authority over her. God, she was so turned on from his spanking. She squeezed her eyes closed, took a deep breath, and tried to calm herself. She finished dressing, then pulled her hair back and reapplied powder to her face. A knock came at the door.

“Dressed?” Shane asked.

“I am.” She wondered about his knock, the respect he was suddenly showing her. Coming back in, he sat on the bed and looked at her.

“It doesn’t have to be this way.”

“If I bow down and listen to every word you say and never have a mind of my own?”

He sighed before answering. “No, Frankie. I want you to have your own thoughts and opinions. What I don’t want is you questioning every decision I make, being disrespectful, defensive, and obnoxious. I get it. I know why you’re acting this way, but it’s exhausting to battle you at every turn. I’m doing the best I can here.”

“You sure don’t act like you want my opinion! You don’t ask it.”

“I don’t because we don’t have time right now.”

“You have time to sit here and talk to me now.”

“Frankie, I had to make the travel arrangements hours ago. We’re driving to a small private airport and taking a plane to Colorado. It was a detail that had to be figured out without delay.”

“Oh. You didn’t say that.”

“You didn’t give me a chance. You had already moved on to throwing a tantrum.”

“I don’t throw tantrums.”

“I’ll just ignore that.” He smiled at her. “You are overwhelmed. I get it. If I have time to talk things through with you, I promise I will try. I haven’t had to do that before and willadmit it’s hard on me. Could you try to let me lead you for now? I do this for a living and have the expertise to keep us safe.”

“You are infuriating. When you talk to me like this, I get it and want to work together to realize we are on the same page, and sometimes, you rush around like a caveman, doing what you want and beating me when I speak my opinion.”

“It isn’t your opinion that gets you spanked. It’s the disobedience and disrespect. If you spoke to me how you are speaking right now, there wouldn’t have been any issues.”