Page 20 of Insincerity

“Time’s up,” the guard yelled.

My dad stood and offered his hand to me. I didn’t need his help getting up, but I gladly accepted the excuse to touch him. He smiled, and it was a different kind of smile than I’d ever seen him wear before. It made him look younger.

“I love you, Hailee,” he said. The desire to kiss him was tough to resist, but I refused to do anything that might jeopardize our overnight visit.

“I love you too. I’ll make you some more videos. I promise.”

We weren’t supposed to hug again, but amid the commotion of everyone getting up to leave, he pulled me closer anyway. I felt the distinct impression of his erection against my lower belly. I left the visitor’s room with a small, secretive smile, knowing that he would be thinking of me when he got the chance to take care of himself later.



It tookthree long months for the overnight visit to be scheduled by the Family Visiting Coordinator.

In the meantime, I kept my promise to my dad. I bought myself two new dildos, big ones that I nicknamed “Daddy” and “Uncle Logan.” Before heading back to Berkeley for the spring semester, I asked Uncle Logan to fuck me while I played with the dildo I called Daddy, sucking on it while staring at the camera lens. I wanted my dad to feel involved in every aspect of our lives, even when he couldn’t be there physically.

Uncle Logan gave me a camera to use to record myself while I was away at school. I challenged myself to get creative with the dildos, putting on elaborate shows that always ended with me satisfied and covered in sweat. I was obsessed with the idea of sleeping with both men at the same time, so I fucked myself accordingly, alternating blow jobs between the two dildos, and sucking on one while riding the other.

As much as I loved being a cam girl for my two favorite men, my extracurriculars always took a backseat to my studies. Still, it was hard not to get distracted.

Dad called me at least once a week, and I looked forward to those calls more than anything. We didn’t talk about the videos or the true nature of our relationship since the prison’s phone lines were monitored. Instead, we talked about what was happening in my life. School and friends and hobbies. We were making up for four years’ worth of lost time.

The day of our family visit arrived in the middle of March. That it happened to have been scheduled during UC Berkeley’s spring break was a stroke of luck. It meant that I was able to fly to California without missing any classes, not that I would have let that stop me. This visit was too important.

“You nervous?” Uncle Logan asked as we pulled up to the prison gate.

“No,” I said honestly. “I’m excited.”

He grinned. “Me too.”

We handed over our IDs to the gate guard who verified that we were scheduled for an overnight visit. Instead of heading to the prison, we followed the guard’s directions to a different building that resembled a double-wide trailer. A man in a suit stepped out of the building with a guard at his side just as we were pulling into the parking space. They both wore severe expressions as they watched us get out of the car. But Uncle Logan greeted them politely. It turned out the man in the suit was the Family Visiting Coordinator. He insisted on checking our bags, which included just one small suitcase and a paper bag filled with groceries.

“Alright,” the man said. “Everything looks good here. The prisoner will be brought here in twenty minutes, and your scheduled visit will last twenty-four hours.”

It already didn’t feel like long enough, but I silently vowed to make the most of the time we were given.

The man and the guard left, and we went inside. I was shocked by how tastefully decorated the interior was; it looked like a real apartment, complete with an open-concept living room and kitchen area, two bedrooms, and a full bath.

Eager to get everything set up for my dad’s arrival, I opened the suitcase and took out the set of clothing we’d brought for my dad. I’d spent entirely too much time and energy on selecting the perfect outfit, but I wanted to help him feel more normal. After laying the clothes out on the bed, I joined Uncle Logan in the kitchen where he was unloading the groceries. I poked at the package of Wagyu steaks he’d left out on the counter.

“Do you need any help cooking?” I asked.

“It’s all pretty straightforward. Though I wouldn’t mind if you tossed the salad.”

“I’m proud of you for not turning that into a joke.”

“You have no idea what a struggle it is to deny my true nature.”

“I appreciate the effort.” I kissed him on the cheek and then sidestepped to the fridge to gather the ingredients for the kale salad with mustard vinaigrette.

After assembling the salad, I went into the bathroom to brush my hair and touch up my makeup. I wanted to look good tonight. My dad and Uncle Logan had both seen me at my most vulnerable, but something about being here in person felt even more significant. This, the three of us together, was what we’d been working toward. I wanted everything to be perfect.

I was just putting the finishing touches on my lip gloss when I heard voices coming from the kitchen.

“Medium rare, right?” said Uncle Logan.

“Yeah,” said Dad. “But it’s been so long since I had a steak that I’d eat just about anything you put in front of me.”