I pulled her swollen clit between my lips, sucking gently.
“Fuck, don’t stop,” she said. “Don’t stop…Oh!”
A sense of triumph surged through me as Hailee came hard, her tight pussy gripping my fingers as her clit pulsed against my tongue. I lapped up the wetness that dripped from her core. Everything about her was intoxicating. Graham had every right to hate me, but I’d love to have seen him try to resist his own daughter’s allure.
The ebb and flow of her panting filled the room. I stood up to give myself a better view of her face and the satisfaction written on her features. She smiled at me with love and gratitude in her eyes. I kissed her lips, wanting her to taste herself on my tongue.
Pleasure jetted through me as she reached between us to rub my hard bulge.
“What’s this?” I teased. “My insatiable niece can’t seem to get enough.”
“It’s a good thing my generous uncle can afford to indulge me.”
I cradled her head between my hands and kissed her deeply. It was her sense of humor, on top of all the other qualities that made her so damn charming, that gave me hope for the future—specifically a future that involved the three of us. This situation was undeniably twisted, but that was how we loved. I had to believe that the three of us would find a way forward together.
* * *
I had three weeks to prepare the next set of clips for Graham. Three weeks to figure out how I was going to tell him about us. If our night together had just been a one-off, it might have been easier to couch it as an impulsive decision.
But Hailee and I couldn’t get enough of each other. I fucked her in every room of the house, in every position we could think of. I introduced her to anal sex in front of the tree on Christmas morning. It was a hell of a gift for both of us.
I paused the recording on a frame of Hailee sucking my dick in the home gym. Tapping my finger on the desk, I debated whether the quality of the recording was good enough to make it into this month’s batch of clips.
Finding clips of Hailee alone had proven to be a challenge. Most of the recent recordings featured the two of us. We barely left each other’s sides these days, choosing to sleep and shower together.
Graham knew that Hailee was home for winter break, and I was sure that he was looking forward to seeing her for the first time since she went away to college. That said, I didn’t necessarily need to break the truth to himthismonth. I could easily slap together a compilation of clips taken at the Palo Alto apartment and blame the delay on a camera malfunction.
But lying to Graham about my relationship with Hailee felt even dirtier than revealing the truth—which was already filthy as fuck. He was my big brother; we were close. We’d shared a secret lust for Hailee for so long that it felt traitorous to hide this development from him.
I decided the best way to present it was to tell the story in order, starting with the clip of her masturbating and moaning my name. I followed that up with the footage of the two of us having sex for the first time.
After double-checking that the phone was locked up tight using the special PIN, I overnighted the device to Graham’s lawyer. I knew he’d visit the prison the following afternoon. I told Hailee I had a big project to work on and shut myself in my office, waiting for the call to come.
Even though I knew it was coming, my pulse still jackknifed when I heard my ringtone.
Foregoing pleasantries, the first thing I said when I answered was, “You saw them?”
The silence on the other end of the line didn’t bode well, but I stuck it out, waiting for Graham to set the tone.
“I saw them.”
There was no missing the tension in his voice. My muscles twitched as if my body was preparing to receive a blow. I was about to ask him what he thought about the things he’d seen when he spoke up again.
“She knows about the cameras?”
“Yeah, she knows.”
“Does she know you’ve been sharing the footage with me?”
“No,” I said. “Should I tell her?”
I waited through another long pause. Graham was clearly alarmed by the turn my relationship with Hailee had taken, but he seemed to be making an effort to stay calm.
“Yeah. Tell her.”
The call ended. I sat in my office for a long time, struggling with a new wave of impending dread. I’d been worried about how Graham would react to the news, but that fear paled in comparison to how I felt about coming clean to Hailee. But she deserved to know the truth.
Steeling myself, I left the office to go look for her. My feet seemed to weigh about a thousand pounds each. Not knowing how she was going to react to the information I had to share was killing me. I found her in the den, curled up on the chaise with a book in her lap. I lingered in the doorway, silently watching her fiddle with the frayed edge of the blanket draped over her legs.