“Moon water baptisms?” Madi asked, leaning against the railing of the porch. “What’s that?”

“It’s a cleansing ritual,” Ama answered. “Full moons are meant for shedding old habits. Taking a dip in moon water is a perfect way to shed our belief of being separate beings. It’s a way of welcoming new habits and going into the future as one.”

Madi smiled brightly. “That’s beautiful. I wish I could be there next month for that.”

Ama frowned. “Why can’t you? Shouldn’t both the Oceanside Betas be there?” She looked between the two Betas expectantly.

“Madi is going to the Rigel Pack next month,” I explained. “She is to train with them and shadow their Beta.”

Ama’s eyes brightened. “You’ll be working with the Crete witches too! Their coven is an inspiration, and I knew their Luna’s parents a long time ago. Such wonderful witches. I’m so happy to see their dream of unity reaching out across the world.”

Mom and Anthony stepped out then; Mom’s eyes brightened at the sight of her son-in-law.

“Nyte!” she exclaimed, setting down the quesadilla she had made and grabbing his face to kiss both cheeks. “How is my favorite son-law? Are you hungry? I can make you some food.” She looked at her mother. “Ama, would you help me make some tamales?”

Ama grimaced at Mom and rolled her eyes. “How much time do you think they have? Tamales.” She scoffed, “If he’s hungry, make him a burrito.”

“I’m fine,” Nyte laughed. “I actually grabbed some food on the way here. I have more in the car for Paige, too.”

“I could use a burrito, Mom,” Anthony mocked.

“Go make yourself one then,” Mom told him, much to my brother’s dismay. She leaned over me then, smiling at the baby. “Does this mean you are taking my baby home?”

I smiled. “Don’t worry, Mom, Baby Baer and I will be back to visit in a week.”

She smiled at me, touching my face. “I meant you, Paige.” She kissed my forehead. “You will always be my baby, though I hate seeing my grandson leave too.”

She helped me stand, both of us careful not to wake my sleeping baby. “I’ll be back soon, Mom,” I promised, kissing her cheek.

“Your dad is going to hate that he missed you,” she pronounced and sighed. “Maybe he and I will make a trip up to Oceanside to visit you sooner than a week.”

“You are always welcome to do so,” Nyte said, picking up the diaper bag. He turned to Anthony and punched his shoulder. “All of you.”

My brother smiled, punching Nyte back playfully. “I got the hint, and I’ll come visit soon.” He turned back to Mom. “Now, Mom, about the burritos. You know that I like the way you roll them.”

I laughed as Mom rolled her eyes and threw her hands up in the air. “This boy, will he ever grow up?” They both went inside, saying their goodbyes before closing the door behind them.

Ama chuckled, still swinging and knitting. “She asks, but the day will come when he has a wife of his own, and she will complain that he doesn’t need her anymore.”

I smiled. “Does she not need you, Ama?”

Grandma smiled at me and winked. “Oh, you know she does, mija. Just as much as you still need her. That’s what family is all about. Needing and helping one another.”

I smiled, turning to Nyte. “You are right, Ama,” I said, my gaze moving to the two Betas. “Family is all about helping, even when we don’t think we need it.”

I kissed her cheek goodbye, letting her kiss Baer on his head before following Nyte and the others down the steps and toward the car. Nyte took the baby from me, fastening him between the two Betas in the backseat while I took my seat in front, waving up to Ama on the porch and thinking over what we had just discussed.

The pack was and had always been my family. They didn’t think they needed me, and I didn’t think I needed them, but in the end, we needed each other in order to reach this happily ever after.

I smiled, “And Little Riding Hood lived happily ever after.”

“What’s that?” Nyte asked, climbing into the front seat of the car.

I turned my smile to him. “Nothing, just talking to myself.”