Page 133 of The Romeo Arrangement

“You what?”

I nod, grinning. “I almost told you in the truck, on the way to town, but I figured I’d wait until we were back home. Alone. Which is when I also planned on asking you to marry me, originally. For real.” I kiss her hand. “I couldn’t wait. So I had to improvise here, tonight. And Milah Holly was down to help after we struck up a conversation, so…”

“You know how to improvise like an eagle knows how to fly,” she says, leaning her head against my bicep.

“I’ll show you more later,” I say. “In a bed full of rose petals.”

“Rose petals?” She’s holding her breath.

“My bed should be covered in them by now. There’s a bottle of champagne in a bucket of ice with our names on it.”

Her body shakes real sweet from laughter. “Don’t tell me you improvised that too. I won’t believe it. How long have you been planning this?”

“A little while.”

Only white lie I tell her tonight.

Truth be told, the idea of being married to her was in the back of my mind for weeks.

I just never let it hit with full intensity until I knew Grendal was on his way.

The thought of losing her hit so hard and strong. The day after I got over the poisoned scotch, I put a plan in place for asking her tonight. Very, very privately since everyone already thought we were engaged.

I knew I couldn’t do it until after Grendal’s entire ring was busted. That came together like lightning this week.

“Are you sure, Ridge?” she whispers. “We aren’t exactly cut from the same cloth.”


That’s exactly why she would’ve never agreed.

Grace has this foolish belief she’s not worthy of me.

Every second I look at her, I know it’s the opposite.

I cup her face. “Thank God we aren’t. You’re cut from an angel’s robe, and mine’s more like the devil’s suit. I need you, woman. I’m going to keep needing you for the rest of my life. I love you like hell. Love you with everything I am, everything I’ll ever have, and every damn thing I’ll ever be.”

I love how she pauses and takes a sharp breath.

“I love you, too, Ridge. So much. But what if your friends find out about Clay? About my past? It could ruin your career.”

I laugh. “You kidding? I’m the only idiot who could ruin my career, and it doesn’t mean nearly as much to me as you do. And anyone who has doubts will learn why they’re stupid soon enough. Clay’s being prosecuted. The Old Town Boys will be national news. Hell, friends of mine are already sniffing around about pitching a film based on it. You’ll be the heroine of that story.” I kiss her. “And I’ll be your hero.”

“A little late. You are my hero.” She smiles awkwardly. “I know how cheesy that sounds, but—”

“But nothing. I love it, darlin’.” I slide my hands over the silkiness of her shoulders, down her arms, and around to cup her ass. “Let’s go mingle a while so we can leave. Best not to keep that champagne waiting too long.”

It’s after midnight before we’re finally able to leave after shaking so many hands it feels like a workout.

The visions I’ve been having for hours turn into torment.

Grace naked, on my bed, legs spread wide for the taking.

“I saw you talking to Dad,” she says once we’re on the highway.

“Had to apologize for not asking his permission first. He’s an old-fashioned guy.” I glance at her. “He forgave me, don’t worry.”

She laughs. “He’s excited about your idea with the pumpkins…”

“Yeah, he said he really loved that. I have the perfect place for him to start growing a patch. He can live in the cabin until he figures out if he wants to take off for Montana fishing. We’ve got the whole season to plant fields full of pumpkins and give hayrides to his heart’s content. Bet Rosie and Stern will enjoy the exercise, too, and you know Cornelius will love the visitors.”

I wink and she laughs again.

“Damn, do I love that rooster, though, even if I hate what he does to my eardrums,” I say, shaking my head. “I apologized for riling him up to take on Clay and promised him a few hens this summer.”

I’d brought the farming idea up with Nelson while also apologizing to him for not asking his permission before asking Grace to marry me for real. Wanted him to get something out of the bargain. He’s giving me his daughter, after all.

“I’m sure he’ll be a hit with the ladies,” she says, fluttering her fingers against my hand.

Not the tease my dick needs right now, but damn if part of me doesn’t like it.

“Jackie liked the idea for your dad, too.” I say, glancing her way to see how she reacts to that.