Page 118 of The Romeo Arrangement

He’s the type of thief who steals hearts without knowing it.

I couldn’t even pinpoint when he stole mine, but he did, and I’ll never get it back.

“No time to back down now. Not when it’s getting real,” he says, his voice like low thunder, midnight-blue lightning flashing in his eyes. “Chin up, girl. I’m pulling my guys together, and this evening we’ll—”

“Excuse me.” Jackie’s voice rings out as she steps into the room. “I hate to interrupt but…have either of you two seen Nelson?”

My spine quivers as I do a slow turn and see her standing in the doorway, wearing a worried look.

“He’s not in the house or the cabin. I wanted to check up on him now that Tobin’s stable, but I couldn’t find him any—”

I don’t need to hear more. I just take off running.

I’m racing through the house, out the front, barely grabbing hold of the railing on the front porch when I see the overhead door on the shed hanging open, our old Ford gone.

Everything—and I mean everything—goes to pieces inside me.

“Jesus, no,” I whisper.

I hardly realize Ridge’s tall blur running past me, down the steps. He doesn’t stop until he stands near the shed. The empty effing shed.

“Got this covered, do you?” I shout, tears bursting from my eyes. “I knew this wasn’t going to work! I told you.”

The worst part is, I don’t even know how long Dad’s been gone.

I last remember seeing him when he brought me more water for Tobin.

Ridge arrives on the steps in front of me, his brows low, fury etched on his face of stone.

“Darlin’, it has to, just—”

“Don’t. Don’t darlin’ me. I’m not your darlin’ or your fiancée! That was all a freaking act that’s gone up in flames. But this—this?” I point at the empty shed. “That’s real life and there’s no happy ending.”

“I’ve got backup on the way,” Ridge says, ice-faced and eerily calm, staring down my freakout. “They’ll intercept Nelson.”

“Not before Clay does,” I mutter, my voice breaking.

“Grace.” He reaches for me.

I’m done.

At some point, if we live through this, I swear I’ll calm down.

But right now there’s a better chance of convincing a thunderstorm to pass over without a grumble than getting me to dial it back.

I push off the rail, spin around, and press my hand against my pounding head.

“Get inside, Grace,” Jackie says, standing in the doorway. “Come sit down. We’re in this together. It’ll all work itself out.”


Chaos doesn’t bow to wishes, however well-meaning.

Still, my sour, jerky movements don’t deter Jackie Owens.

She swings her arm around my shoulders and forces me to walk with her.

“I know it’s scary, hon.”

I shake my head. She has no idea how scary, how frightening, how entirely my fault.

“I’m worried for him, too,” she whispers. “He told me all about it, you know. The trouble he’s in with that group, how you lost everything…”

Stunned, I stumble and face her again, blinking back hot tears.

“He…he did?”

“Everything,” she says. “He trusted Ridge with his plan, though, and I believe he still does. You should, too.”

If only it were so simple.

I don’t see how I can trust in a scheme that’s already ruined, that might’ve done us more damage.

Right now, my instinct screams don’t trust anyone.

“Dad trusted Clay Grendal once, too,” I say bitterly.

“True, but he learned from that fast, didn’t he?” Jackie pushes me into the living room, gently but firmly making me well aware she’s done with my pity party.

I wish I could believe her, zip it, and trust.

Trouble is, I’m not convinced she’s right.

If Dad trusted the plan, where is he? Looking for Clay?

A sickness knots my stomach. I know that’s where he’s gone.

Sighing, I sit down, plant my elbows on my knees, and bury my face in my hands.

What’s he even thinking?

If there’s anyone who’s horribly conscious of what Clay can do, it’s Dad.

He has absolutely nothing to gain by chasing down that man.

And if he’s thinking about surrender, throwing himself on a madman’s altar, trying to save me…then he doesn’t get it. There’s one prize he wants, and one prize only that’ll ever satisfy him.


The cell phone in my back pocket buzzes then, just as it has since morning.

Amy and Alicia are excited about the shindig, all the famous people who’ll be there.

I’d foolishly gotten caught up in that, too. The party planning. And in their friendship…

Maybe this is what I get for accepting a little normalcy in my life.

Dreading what’s on the screen, I force myself to wake the phone and tap the text messenger icon.

It’s an attachment from a number I don’t recognize.

I consider not opening it, but bite my lip and do it anyway.

My heart stops.

My only instinct is to scream.


He’s at my side a second later, grabbing the phone from my numb hands, staring at the picture.

Our old Ford, half-sunken in the ditch, rolled over, its window shattered like busted teeth.