Page 105 of The Romeo Arrangement

“Thank you. I hope little Josie and her friends agree.”

“I’ve never been to a six-year-old’s birthday bash,” he says as we walk to the front door. “Maybe when I was that age, but not since then.”

Laughing, I bump his shoulder with mine. “Good news, you’re not invited to the party. You’ll be hanging out in the garage with Jess and Tyler while the girls have tea.”

“What about Jess’ boy?”

He opens the door for me and ushers me outside.

“Cody? Oh, I’m sure he’ll be there, too. So will Jace, Alicia and Tyler’s son.”

“Cody’s a good kid,” Ridge says, flashing a grin.

“Why, because he’s a little terror? Now I know what you were like as a kid.” We’ve been to the Berland’s house a few times so I could help Amy with her coffee bar, which turned out fantastic. “Amy said she caught him trying to climb out the upstairs window with a rope the other day, playing freaking Tarzan.”

Ridge laughs. “Now that’s a kid’s birthday party I want to go to. When is it?”

“July for him. He told his parents he wants a pool party.”

Frowning, Ridge says, “They don’t have a pool.”

“That’s what Amy keeps telling him,” I say, laughing.

It’s fun how easy it is to slide into Dallas life. I’m enjoying the friends I’ve made here so much.

One more reason why it’s going to be brutally hard to leave. Harder than leaving the farm, maybe.

“This place could use a pool. Hell, maybe an indoor one so we can use it more than four months a year,” Ridge says. “Right off the sunroom. We can have the kids over and let them go nuts.”

I can’t believe this guy.

Not what he says, especially now, but his generosity leaves me spinning.

“Pretty big decision for a pool party.” I open the truck door. “You must be a softie for kids.”

His smile says it all, and my heart wobbles.

It’s no surprise, I guess, when his own childhood was taken up with films, adult-like pressures always stewing in the background.

“Hey, I might use it too.” He sets the box in the back seat. Casting me one of those smoldering looks that make my knees weak, he asks, “Ever gone skinny-dipping, Grace?”

Here comes the uh-oh…

…but there’s no denying the excitement arcing through me.

Leaning closer, I whisper in his ear, “Until we did it in the bathroom last weekend…no.”

It’s happened more than once the past week. My pulse quickens at the memories, how the warm water just enhanced the sensation of Ridge in all his sexiness.

“Doesn’t count if it’s not taboo. Everybody gets naked in bathtubs.” He slides a hand inside my coat, cupping one breast. “Think how much more room we’d have in a pool.”

Holy hell!

My body reacts to his touch, and knowing where that leads, I lay my hands on his chest and push. “Save it for later, cowboy. We can’t be late.”

“Still plenty of time,” he whispers, finding my nipple through my clothes and giving it a soft pinch that destroys me.

Did the Greeks know sirens weren’t all female?

I’m convinced they could also be drop-dead gorgeous men with filthy minds.

Fighting the urge to give in to him is a special hell.

Nothing but full satisfaction from Ridge Barnet ever totally stops the sizzle he ignites.

I manage to step back, out of his reach.

“Get in the truck,” I growl, hiding the moan of disappointment in my throat.

“Don’t fret.” He laughs and winks. “We’ll leave early.”


It’s not until we’re on the highway that I can actually breathe normally again.

“Amy called earlier,” he says.

“Why? Does she need us to stop and pick something up? I told her we could.”

“No. She wanted me to make sure you tell her how much she owes you for the candles.” He gives me a sly side-eye.

I shake my head. “Nothing for the candles. The practice is payment enough for now.”

“Yeah? Just like you didn’t want her to pay you for the coffee bar? Which, let me say again, is cool as hell. Word’s gonna spread like wildfire in town, knowing how Amy and Alicia love to gab. Just wait until you get a call from Granny Coffey—that old woman’s a certified ballbuster. She’s got a soft spot for crafts and spends like the devil. Let Amy pay you, Grace.”

“Well, maybe so. But I’m just barely getting back into this. I really don’t mind a few free practice runs.”

Honestly, I feel guilty charging for such little jobs, even though I could use the money. I’m hardly a seasoned pro. There’s also this imaginary tally in my head that keeps adding up how much I’m going to owe Ridge by the time this is over.

Sure, he’s a freaking gazillionaire. I couldn’t repay him for Dad’s care even if I tried…but I feel like I owe him something. A token payment for pride more than anything else.