"Straddling me, Aurora," she commands in a dark, not-to-be-disobeyed voice. "Now. I want you on my face."

I mean...that sounds good, too. So with a whimper, I do as she says. The way she's snapping at me, so autocratic and filthy at the same time, makes me want to do anything,beanything she tells me. She lies back on her pillows and pulls me up to sit on her face, grabbing at the monolithic headboard, panting andwriggling. And then she seizes my hips, grinding me hard into her mouth, so that her teeth graze over my clit in a warning, and I stop wiggling around and let her take the lead.

Hadria's tongue slides straight into me and I gasp, feeling it twist and turn, probing and circling, making me feel like I'll combust if she doesn't give me more. "Come on," I pant out, but she just grins against my folds, I can feel it. "Please," I beg, voice breaking slightly. She thrusts her tongue in again, gets a hand around to press against my clit, and my back arches so far I think it might break?—

How does she know exactly what I need?

She slaps my ass again until I'm bucking against her mouth, until I can't stop my hips snapping onto her face as she eats me out with a precision that seems almost infernally precise. Her other hand slides between my cheeks to finger me further, tracing the pucker that she was tonguing before, until I'm begging for her todo it, yes, please?—

The soaking surrounds provide more than enough slick for her to get her fingertip into my ass with ease, right up to the second knuckle, sending out electric waves of pleasure that cascade through my entire body. I've never felt anything like this before, never imagined physical pleasure could bethisgood, that I could feel so full and so...


"Come for me, Sunshine," Hadria growls, her lips moving my clit. "Soak me." Her finger pumps in and out of my ass as her tongue swirls around my clit, sending me over the edge in a blinding orgasm that leaves me trembling and gasping for air.My muscles contract around her invading digit, squeezing hard as I come all over her, crying out as she laps up every drop of me.

At long last, it's too sensitive, too much, and I push away, falling back onto the bed. "Good girl," she murmurs against my skin, pulling me onto her body so we're chest to chest. "Now lie here," she tells me, "just like this so I can ride you until I'm done." She pulls my thigh between her legs and starts thrusting against me, her wet heat coating me. "Oh God, Aurora," she gasps, her hips working frantically. "I spent all night dreaming about doing this to you." She comes fast, with a full-body shudder that leaves her breathless and laughing, and then she hugs me close to her, stroking my hair.

We lie there like that for a while, drowsily kissing and smiling at each other, until Hadria rubs her eyes and says, "What time is it? Staying up to see the sun messed up my internal clock."

I give a huge yawn. "Late. Early. Who knows? But I think I need to sleep."

She lets me lay back against the pillows, propping herself up on her elbows to smile down at me. "I think you do, too." But then something changes in her smile, something that sets off a faint alarm bell in the back of my mind.

"What is it?" I ask, reaching out to take her arm. "Hadria…what is it?"

She swallows. "Aurora," she says softly, and I know whatever she's about to say won't be good news, "I…regret the things I have done to you during your time here." She sees the expression on my face. "Not the sex," she adds quickly. "Well—not the pleasure it's brought you, at least, though really, I shouldn't have…" Her face twists in frustration, and she gets out of thebed, pulling on her robe from where it lay over the back of a chair.

Hadria paces the room, struggling to find the right words as I sit up in bed, dread pooling in my gut. "I've done you a great disservice, Sunshine. I was cruel to bring you here, to keep you prisoner, to keep you in the dark—and most of all, I was cruel to induct you into the Syndicate's business." She turns back to me at last, her eyes full of remorse. "You deserve so much more. A chance at a normal life, away from all this darkness. But I've been dazzled by you, so bright and beautiful. I wanted to possess that light for myself."

"You can have it," I say in a small voice. "You can have it all, Hadria. You can haveme." You already do, I want to add. But I fear I'll break into a million pieces if I make myself that vulnerable.

She gives a pained sigh. "Sunshine, don't you see? I can't keep you here. As much as it pains me...Ineedto set you free." She comes and sits on the edge of the bed, taking my hands in hers. "I want you to have that freedom you crave."

"But I—I don't?—"

"Aurora," she says, not sharply, but desperately, as though this conversation is costing her everything. "Don't you see? While I keep you here against your will, I can never really be certain if...if this thing between us..." She trails off.

"It's real," I assure her after a moment. "Believe me, Hadria. It's real."

Her smile is twisted. "But you can't know that, Sunshine. Not until you've had the opportunity to experience something different. Your whole life, you haven't had a choice. And Iwant to be the one to give you that. To give you the choice to stay...or leave." She holds up a hand as I open my mouth to tell her that I choose to stay. "But you need time to yourself, to think it through. You owe yourself that. So please…listen to my proposal."



As Hadria laysout her idea, I begin to understand: my prayers have been answered again.

My wishes have been granted.

And at first I would give anything to take back those prayers and those wishes.

I'll be given the choice of freedom, true freedom, with all the money I could ever need, and a fake passport and a blank plane ticket to anywhere in the whole world. "You'll stay in my safe house downtown," Hadria says, "for one week. I'd make it longer, Sunshine, but I...I don't think I can cope with more than a week of uncertainty. Because I have toknow. I have to know that, between me and everything else this whole world has to offer, you would really and truly choose me."

"But Nero?—"

"Doesn't know where this place is. And no one will know you are there; it's my personal fortress. You will have everything that you need there. There's a gym and a pool, a sauna, a spa...it won't be true freedom while you're there, I grant you. You'll needto stay in the apartment, never go out to the streets, because it would be too dangerous without eyes on you."

"You won't...have people following me?" I ask slowly.