I half expect Hadria to do something awful to him—like—grab his fork and stick it through his eye? But all she does is flag down the waitress for a coffee. I creep a little closer, but neither of them is keeping their voices low. Even the waitress seems to know enough to disappear once she's poured out Hadria's coffee. So when Hadria says, "I heard a rumor you might be in town on special assignment," I hear her clearly.

Johnny smiles urbanely. "Oh, no. I'm retired now. Just here to reminisce and enjoy the atmosphere. I was born here, you know. My family moved to New York when I was a boy. I wanted to see the Windy City again in my retirement."

Hadria studies him, eyes narrowed. "Retirement must be dull for a man of your talents."

"It has its benefits," Johnny says easily. "More time for family and golf. But I'll admit, I do miss the thrill of the work sometimes." He takes a thoughtful sip of his coffee, eyes meeting Hadria's in a subtle challenge.

"Are you here to put a bullet in my head?" she asks coolly.

Johnny pauses, carefully laying down his fork. When he replies, his tone holds only polite curiosity. "Now why would I want to do something like that?"

Hadria's eyes narrow. "Nero Imperioli wants me out of the way, and he's not above hiring out."

Johnny sighs heavily, as if explaining something to a stubborn child. "I'm retired, as I said—a consultant at most, these days. I'm simply revisiting old haunts."

Hadria studies him, tense and alert. Her hands rest lightly on the counter, ready to strike if needed. "You expect me to believe this is just a nostalgic visit?"

"I don't expect you to believe anything. But it's the truth." Johnny gives a gentle, fatherly smile. "That said, if you're concerned about potential threats, perhaps you would benefit from a few more allies?"

Hadria stiffens. "What are you suggesting?"

"Merely that friends can sometimes provide protection hired guns cannot, as I'm sure you know yourself. If you wished to discuss a mutually beneficial affiliation with Juno Bianchi, for example, I could arrange an introduction in New York. Powerful women should stick together, don't you think?"

In the mirror, I see something close to shock flicker across Hadria's face, quickly masked. "Juno Bianchi, you say?"

"The same."

After a moment, Hadria shrugs. "I have all the friends I need already. But I'll think about what you've said."

Johnny inclines his head graciously. "Please do. Now, if you'll excuse me, allow an old man to finish his pie in peace."

Hadria slides off the stool and tosses some bills onto the counter. "My treat," she says, then scribbles down something on a napkin. "Enjoy yourself while you're here, Mr. de Luca. But if you get bored during your vacation, drop by Elysium for a visit—this is the address." She slides the napkin to him. "I'm sure I can find something to keep you entertained."

Johnny inclines his head graciously. "I appreciate the hospitality."

As Hadria turns, she spies me lurking nearby. Her stormy eyes flash with momentary annoyance as she marches over and takes my arm. I expect a harsh reprimand, but as she guides me firmly out the door, I see grudging admiration in her face. My act of defiance has intrigued more than angered her.

And in turn, I marvel at Hadria's composure and control. I ache to embody her strength. Her self-assurance. Her control…

Especially when all I can do is tremble at the thought of the harsh words that are about to fly my way.

"I thought I told you to stay in the damn car. Johnny the Gentleman is a very dangerous man."

I open my mouth to explain, but the words evaporate under her thunderous expression. And then, to my surprise, her grip on my arm loosens slightly.

"Just…get in the car, Aurora."

Her tone is more weary than angry now. My compliance seems to defuse her temper. Once settled in the idling town car, doors closed, all she says is, "You shouldn't have left the vehicle." But her composure unnerves me more than fury might have.

"I know. I'm sorry." I fiddle with my seatbelt, struggling to explain myself. "I just…wanted to see what was going on. I won't do it again."

Hadria sighs. "Of course you will. Your curiosity will be the death of you." But her words lack heat. "Don't pull something like that when we're meeting Nero."

"I won't," I whisper, but she doesn't seem to hear me. "Hadria," I say after a moment.


"Who's Juno Bianchi?"