She goes back to her friends and I head to the bar. We’re joined by Christian’s brother, Topher, and they start talkingabout some exclusive club that I should join but I’m only half listening. After one shot of vodka, I’m turning around, my eyes seeking out Rosa. Both she and Daniella are still missing. I make it another few minutes before I slip away, heading out of the ballroom.

I’m about to turn to the hallway leading to the restroom when I hear their voices.

“You’ve been avoiding the question all night, Rosa. But seriously, why am I sensing so much tension between you and your fiancé who you supposedly dislike?” Daniella questions.

Seeing as I’m the topic of discussion, I decide to lean against the wall and wait for them to appear.

“Because we want to kill each other,” Rosa says blandly.

“Yeah, right,” Daniella scoffs. “More like rip each other’s clothes off. The sexual tension the two of you were radiating could melt a person’s face off. Please, tell me you’ve slept together.”

“We haven’t.”

“But you want to,” Daniella says suggestively.

I unfortunately don’t get to hear Rosa’s reply because both women happen to appear at that moment. Rosa’s eyes widen as she takes me in. She gets over her shock pretty quickly, though.

“Enzo, you do realize it’s rude to eavesdrop,” she says, her cheeks red.

My shoulders lift in a shrug. “I wasn’t eavesdropping. I just happened to overhear your conversation.”

“Which is eavesdropping. What are you doing out here? I’m perfectly capable of going to the ladies’ room on my own,” she bites out.

“Never said you weren’t, sweetheart. But you were gone a long time.”

“Because we were talking. You have huge control issues,” she mutters.

“Hi,” Daniella D’Angelo speaks up from beside her. I turn to the redhead with a raised eyebrow. “I’m Daniella. We haven’t met.”

“Yeah,” I say coolly. “Nice to meet you.”

Her expression is thoughtful for a moment before she smiles. “You’re even more intense than Christian. Which I didn’t think was possible.”

I cock my head to the side. “Did you just compare me to your husband?”

“Maybe,” she drawls. “Anyway, it was nice to meet you, too. I’ll head back inside, Rosa.”

Rosa’s glaring at me and I know she’s going for intimidating but all I can think about in that moment is how fucking sexy she looks. And how I really do want to rip her clothes off.

“I’m sorry for mistakenly overhearing your conversation,” I say in the most apologetic tone I can muster.

She rolls her eyes. “You’re annoying.”

“Careful, Rosa.” I smile. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were warming up to me.”

“As if. Come on, let’s go back in. Since it’s clear you will continue to worry obsessively, I’ll stay by your side for the rest of the night.”

Something warm slides through my chest. “Yeah, you definitely like me now.”

“Don’t push your luck.”



My brother wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me into a hug. I inhale, feeling soft and cushioned because no matter what, I’ll always be safe in his arms. He pulls away and offers me a small smile.

“You’re coming over for wedding prep in a few days right?” he asks and I nod.