“That would mean I had plans to come to your stupid wedding and I don’t,” she mutters with a frown.
“I want to go to the wedding,” Maria says. “Can I wear a pretty dress to the wedding? Please, Isa?”
Isabella lets out a soft sigh. “Of course, my darling. You’ll go to Enzo’s wedding.”
“You’ll go, too?” Matthew asks hopefully.
She rolls her eyes. “Sure.”
The twins are perfectly happy as we drop them off at school. Isabella watches them enter the building with a sad smile on her face.
“I’m glad they’re happy again. They were so sad after their papa passed. I was worried they wouldn’t recover.”
My jaw clenches. “Of course. Kids are resilient. Until they’re not.”
She looks at me and something cracks in her expression. “Enzo…”
“Whatever you’re going to say, don’t,” I tell her.
Of all the people in my life, Isabella understands what I went through best. But that doesn’t mean I want to reminisce about old times.
“You and Rosa,” she says instead. “You might want to fix whatever it is you’ve done.”
I arch an eyebrow. “And why do you care?”
“I don’t. But despite what you may think, I don’thateyou cousin. I know we’ve all been dealing with some pretty fucked up things in this family and since you’re the don, you get to carry the burden. However… I have seen some light in you these past few weeks and I suppose you have Rosa to thank for that. I’m just saying… I don’t want you to let the only good thing in your life go to shits. I’m pretty sure the woman you’re supposed to be getting married to is meant to be able to look you in the eye.”
My gaze falls forward as I take in her words. “We’ll figure it out,” I say.
Unfortunately,I just might have been talking out of my own ass. Because my fiancée insists on being the most infuriating person on the planet.
“I’m not going with you,” Rosa repeats, chin raised, that stubborn flare in her eyes.
I stare at her incredulously. “You do realize this is supposed to be our debut into New York society.”
She makes a face. “Stop talking like that. You make it sound like we’re some old regency couple.”
I consider that. “Okay, you may have a point,” I agree. “Now, tell me why you’re suddenly not going to La Mirage.”
“I’m going. I’m just not going with you.”
I take a deep, calming breath. We’re standing at the entrance to her bedroom. I just told her a few minutes ago to get ready for the party she agreed to attend days ago.
“Rosa. We’re engaged. Why the fuck would we not go together?”
She hesitates. Something flickers in the blue depths of her eyes. “I just… I just can’t be in a car with you right now,” she finally says.
“Why not? I’m not going to maul you, sweetheart. Surely you can manage a car ride for less than an hour.”
She rolls her eyes. “Oh yeah, how long till we start arguing? Or something worse. I don’t have the energy for that tonight.”
I pause, studying her expression. Her cheeks are flushed. She looks away at my perusal. And suddenly, I understand what’s wrong.
“You’re a terrible liar, principessa. That’s not what you’re really worried about, is it?”
When I take a step forward, her breath catches. My voice goes low. “What do you think I’m going to do? Kiss you? Do you want me to?”
I could move closer to her. Make good on that request. The number of things I could do to her. The things I want to do to her. But I’ve been refraining. Because, like it or not, this is a delicate situation. And the least I can do is not rush things.