When we arrive at our house, Tony turns off the ignition but neither of us get out. I look at him, wishing the uneasy tension between us would dissipate.

“Before we go in there, I figured we should have a talk first,” he says gruffly.

I nod, my mouth set in a thin line. While his actions have alluded to his forgiveness, he hasn’t actually said the words. I guess now’s the time.

“I’m going to start with this, Elena,” he says, eyes fixed on mine. “I’ve considered you my personal responsibility since the day you were born. No one asked me to and while as your older brother it’s technically expected of me, all I’ve ever done is to protect you.”

My chest seizes. “I know,” I say on a harsh breath. There’s no doubt in my mind that Tony would do anything for me.

“Really? Because when you needed me the most, you didn’t come to me. You didn’t even consider that I would have been there for you.”

There’s no amount of apologies in the world that will ever make what I did okay, so I keep quiet. I don’t say a word, letting him continue to speak his truth.

“I’m not angry anymore. I just feel fucking gutted. I hate that I put you in a position where you felt you couldn’t trust me.”

“No, Tony,” I shake my head, “I do trust you. More than anything. But you were in the same complicated position as Roman. He needed you.”

He blows out a breath and I see understanding etched into his features. “I’m sorry for saying you’re dead to me. You will never be dead to me.”

“I know,fratello,” I say warmly. “But I’m not yours to protect anymore. You should live your own life, Tony. Without expectations, without worry. I can take care of myself now.” I hesitate before adding, “I also have Roman to take care of me.”

His jaw tightens. “I’m still not a hundred percent okay with your relationship. But I guess my opinion doesn’t really matter. And honestly, all I want is what’s best for my little treasure.”

He’s talking about Cassie, who he fell in love with within minutes of meeting her.

“That’s what everyone wants, Tony,” I state.

“Alright, then,” he announces, rubbing his hands together. He grins and suddenly the car doesn’t feel small anymore. Like he’s flipped a switch, I get my big brother back. I know without a doubt we’re okay. “Let’s go see what Daddy Dearest wants.”

Tony steps out of the car and I follow. He throws his arm around my shoulders as we walk into our house.

We find our father in the foyer at the foot of the stairs. Tony doesn’t hesitate to walk up to him. Dad bumps his fist against Tony’s and offers him an affectionate smile. Meanwhile, I stand apart, shuffling my feet nervously.

My dad watches me warily. Exhaustion lines his eyes.

“I called you both here because I wanted to us to have lunch together. Just the three of us. We haven’t done that in forever.”

I nod and follow dutifully as he leads us into the dining room. The cook has already prepared a large spread that’s way too much for three people, but I don’t comment on it as I take my seat at my dad’s side. He’s seated at the head of the table and Tony’s sits on his other side. We wait for him to say grace before digging into our meal.

It’s quiet, a little stifling. Tony tries to keep up a steady flow of conversation but responses are muted from both Dad and me. The air in the room is strained and I hate it. I hate it so much. But I’m not going to be the first to speak.

“This ham is fucking amazing,” Tony says through a mouthful of food.

I wrinkle my nose at him.

“Swallow before speaking, Anthony,” my dad says calmly. “Did I not teach you any table manners?”

Tony swallows dramatically. “Of course you did. But I choose which manners I intend to live by,” he states cheerfully.

“Something your sister seems to agree with as well.”

Oh, I’m being addressed? Fucking finally.

“And that’s supposed to mean?”

Green eyes flick toward me. “It means I raised you both to be strong, resilient in your beliefs. I raised you to be your own people. Independent. Which is why it’s a little hypocritical of me to be so angry when you do exactly what I taught you to do.”

My breath seizes as I stare at him.