
Two hours ago, I was having the best fucking day of my life. All was right in the world and I was happy. But that was two hours ago. Now, everything’s fucked and I’m trying my best not to lose it. I’m hanging on by a thread, every breath I take bringing me closer to the edge. But my daughter needs me.

I thought I knew fear, but the way I used to feel is nothing compared to how I feel right now. My daughter’s gone. She’s gone because I couldn’t protect her.

The doors of the club are practically wrenched open as all three Legans enter.

Elena beelines for me as soon as our gazes connect. She’s practically hysterical. As soon as she’s within reach, I pull her into my arms.

“My baby,” she says, taking short gasping breaths. “Roman, where’s my baby?”

I rub her back softly, trying to ignore the pain in my chest. I hate seeing her like this. I feel fucking helpless.

Tony steps into my line of sight and I let Elena go. She’s still crying, but she’s starting to pull herself together.

“What the fuck happened?”

My chest tightens. “She was at the mall with my mother. They went shopping for baby clothes. Cassie was in her baby carrier. According to Mom, she placed the carrier on the floor and turned around for a few seconds to grab her purse. When she looked back, Cassie was gone. And so was the guard I assigned to them. The man I hired to guard them. He took her.”

I trusted him to protect my daughter, and he betrayed that trust. I’m fuming. I’m consumed with so much rage right now, it’s hard to fucking breathe. But I have to stay in control. I can’t afford to lose it.

Mom called me, voice shaky as she explained what happened. I rushed to the scene and barely managed to calm her down. As soon as she told me what happened, I asked Michael to take her home. She blames herself for what happened, but it’s not her fault. None of this is.

“Who’s the man?” Tony asks, arms flexing like he’s itching to hit someone.

“Dane,” I reply, voice grave.

I ordered him to keep watch on my daughter the minute I found out about her existence. He’s shadowed her with Elena and Kiara for a while.

“He wasn’t acting alone,” Tony says in a matter-of-fact tone.

I nod. “Dane’s a foot soldier. He received orders from someone.”

“Who?” Elena asks quietly from beside me.

I wish I knew, mi amore.

“Zanetti?” Salvador questions.

I shake my head. “I barged into his office as soon as I found out Cassie was kidnapped. He swore he had nothing to do with it and I believe him. He wouldn’t kidnap a baby. This is someone else,” I say through gritted teeth.

“But who?” Elena asks again, desperately.

I look at her then, grabbing her wrist and pulling her closer.

“I will find our daughter,lupacchiotta. I swear it to you. She’ll be okay. I’ll die before I ever let anything happen to her. I just need you to trust me. You trust me, right?”

She stares at me for a second before nodding. “I do,” she breathes.

“Okay. Then, baby, I need you to go,” I tell her.

Her green eyes flare. “What? No fucking way.”

“You will go. Because you can’t do anything right now. All you’re doing by being here is distracting me. I’ve already promised to find our daughter. Let me do that,” I plead.

Tears swim in her green eyes. She shuts them briefly before looking up me, expression soft and a little heartbroken.