I look down at her, unsure if she’s being sarcastic or not. Judging by the way Bianca cocks her head, she’s not too sure either. When Elena steps forward and I see the look on her face, I can tell she’s being sincere.

“You don’t have to get married to prove your worth, Bianca. I might not know you, but you deserve better than that.”

Bianca seems a little surprised by her words. Then her shock clears and she rolls her eyes. “Just shut the fuck up,” she snaps.

Elena sighs. “The one time I try to be nice.”

Bianca’s eyes cut to me. “You’ll regret this, Roman.”

I don’t say a word in reply.

“Good riddance,” Elena mutters as we watch her walk away.

I pull her back to my side, rubbing my hand up and down her arm.

“You know, she’s really pretty,” Elena says, looking up at me, a teasing smile on her face. “You sure you’re not going to regret ending things with her?”

I roll my eyes. “Shut up.”

She laughs, getting on her tiptoes to kiss me. I get lost in her until a loud throat clearing interrupts us. I let out a growl as I look up.

“What the fuck are you still doing here, Ivan?”

A muscle ticks in his jaw. “What the fuck am I doing here?” he asks angrily. “What the fuck are you doing, Rome? You destroyed a beneficial arrangement and chased away one of our biggest investors, all because of her? Are you insane?”

I grab Elena’s hand and pull her to my side as I stare him down, trying to control the rage unfurling inside of me. “Be very careful with your next words, cousin.”

“Exactly. I’m your fucking cousin,” he snaps. “I’m your family and you betrayed me for a girl who couldn’t keep her legs closed. You’re a fucking idiot. And she’s a slut.”

One second he’s speaking, and the next there’s the sound of a crack as his head snaps to the side. I didn’t throw the punch. Elena gasps and my eyes widen when I see Tony there, clutching a bottle of vodka in one hand. He stares at Ivan with a murderous expression.

Where the hell did he even come from?

“Say that again about my sister,” Tony says, slurring his words. “I fucking dare you.”

Ivan, who must have a fucking death wish, actually advances on him. I don’t waste a second before stepping between them. My gun is out in seconds. I point it at Ivan’s chest and he falls to a stop.

“The only reason I’m not going to kill you right now is because, unfortunately, my blood runs through your veins. But if you ever fucking say something like that again, I will end you. I promise.”

He swallows, looking nervous. “You’re going to choose them over me? I’m your cousin!”

“Just because you’re my cousin doesn’t mean I like you. I couldn’t give two fucks about you. You may have been useful this past year, but make no mistake, I will always choose them. Tony’s my fucking brother and you’re nothing to me. Now fuck off.”

He leaves without hesitation. I return my gun to its place within my jacket before turning around. Tony’s eyes are half-closed as he leans against his sister. He’s obviously plastered. I move to take his weight off her and Elena grabs the bottle from him, her expression soft and a little wary as she looks at her brother. Tony’s eyes open briefly and they land on me.

“Hey, Rome. I missed you man,” he says, still slurring his words.

My throat closes up. “Missed you too, brother.”

He smiles, turning to look at his sister. “Hey,sorella.”

“Hi, big brother,” she breathes. “Come on, let’s get you home.”

We lead him to my car and after he’s situated in the back seat, we start driving toward my home. Elena glances at the back to her brother, who’s fast asleep.

“You think he’s forgiven us?” she asks hopefully.

“I’d say we’ve got a fifty-fifty chance,” I reply with a smile.