I nod in agreement and he’s kissing me again.

“I should probably go and make us breakfast,” I say, reluctantly pulling away. “I need someone to practice on.”

He arches an eyebrow. “What do you mean by practice? I thought you could cook.”

“I can. Or at least I will be able to soon.”

He suddenly looks very worried, making me laugh.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got this,” I assure him.

He sighs as I get to my feet. I pull on a dress and some panties before leaving the room. Kiara’s standing in the kitchen when I get there, sipping a coffee with the largest smile on her face.

“What?” I ask.

She shakes her head, “Nothing.” She’s still smiling.


“You have no idea how badly I want to say I told you so right now,” she groans. “But I’m holding it back. Because I’m an amazing friend.”

“Thank you,” I say on an eye roll as I move toward the fridge.

Kiara’s standing behind me when I turn around. “Please tell me this isn’t just you two fucking around.”

I take in her worried expression and ponder her words. Then I remember the way Roman looked, the things we said to each other, and I shake my head.

“No, it’s so much more than that,” I say sincerely.

* * *

Rosa’s birthdaymight be the only thing the De Lucas go all out in celebrating. When Ricardo was alive, he used to do anything his little girl wanted. Standing in the middle of a lavish party in the ballroom of a hotel, it’s pretty clear Roman feels the same.

The birthday girl makes rounds around the room, speaking to her guests with a bright smile on her face. I arrived a few minutes ago after dropping off Cassie at the house with the babysitter. She had to go through several processes before she was hired, background checks inclusive. Roman wasn’t taking any chances. I’m still a little nervous leaving her alone with someone that isn’t family, but she’s at the heavily guarded De Luca mansion. I’m sure she’ll be okay.

I spot Kiara almost immediately. She’s engaged in what appears to be a heated conversation with Michael. When she looks up and spots me, she gestures me for to come over.

“Hey,” I greet. “Everything okay?”

“Yes, everything’s fine,” she assures me, sipping her glass of champagne.

I turn to Michael, who looks dashing in a black tux. “Are you still mad at me?”

He sighs. “No, I’m no longer mad at you, Elena. Quick warning, though, your brother’s around here somewhere. And he’s fucking drunk, so steer clear.”

I stiffen at that.

“Why did you let him come here in the first place?” Kiara questions.

“I’m sure it’ll come as a surprise to you, Kie, but I can’t control every single thing he does.”

With those words, he walks away. I turn to my friend, eyes wide. Michael never gets mad. Ever.

“He’ll be fine,” Kiara says with a wave of her hand, right before she throws back her entire drink.

I feel a presence behind me and turn around to find Roman. Something flutters in my chest as I look up at him. He places a kiss on my lips, uncaring that we’re in public. When he pulls away, I catch an uneasy expression on his face.

“Everything okay?” I ask.