I’m glad that at least she’s aware of the situation. Michael’s leaning against the doorway, expression blank. I look back at my father.

“Dad, I can explain everything,” I say quietly.

He arches an eyebrow for me to continue, so I do. I tell them about finding out I was pregnant and leaving the country because I didn’t want to destabilize Roman’s rise to power. Then I tell them about Cassie. By the time I’m done, my dad is pale and Maria’s this close to passing out.

“Dios mio,” she breathes.

Rosa’s rubbing her mother’s back now in a soothing motion. My dad doesn’t say anything. He’s frighteningly quiet. Everyone seems at a loss for words. Which is when Roman decides to walk into the room.

Tony doesn’t even hesitate. He crosses over to him and punches him in the jaw. I gasp, watching Roman’s head snap to the side.

“Both of you,” Tony says, pointing back at me. “You’re dead to me.”

After that pronouncement, he walks out of the living room. Michael follows him quietly. Roman rubs at his jaw, eyes icy, and my hands tremble as I turn back to my father.

“Dad,” my voice comes out in a whisper. This time when tears fill my eyes, I can’t blink them away. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

His expression is stormy, filled with disbelief. Without a word, my dad takes slow steps out of the room. I move to follow him but Roman grabs my wrist.

“Give him time,” he says softly.

I stare at him for a moment, feeling my heart ache with each beat.

Maria’s voice is light as she speaks. “Both of you, come here.”

Her expression leaves no room for argument. Roman holds my arm as we move to stand in front of his mother. Rosa offers me a small, encouraging smile.

“Am I to understand that I have a grandchild?” Maria asks.

Beside me, Roman nods. “Yes. Her name is Cassie.”

“And the two of you connived to hide her away from the family for over a year?”

“No.” I let out a harsh breath. “Maria, Roman had nothing to do with me hiding the pregnancy. He wasn’t aware that I had even gotten pregnant until a few weeks ago,” I confess.

“Wrong thing to say,lupacchiotta,” Roman mutters beside me.

If looks could kill, I’d be six feet under right now. Maria glares at me as she slowly gets to her feet.

“So you not only hid your pregnancy away from your family, you hid it from the father of your child as well?”

I swallow softly. “I didn’t—”

“Your behavior doesn’t surprise me. You have always been a troubled child, Elena. Ever since your mother left, you’ve been a loose cannon, waiting to blow up and take down everyone around you. I tried my best to help you. I took you and your brother in as my own and this is how you repay me?” she asks angrily.

Her words cut deeper than they should.

“That’s enough, Mother,” Roman’s voice booms.

“And you!” she says, turning to her son. “How could you be so irresponsible? Is this how you honor your father’s memory? You got a woman pregnant, Roman, and now you have a child. What are you going to do about the Zanettis? How are you going to take care of this?”

“I’ll take care of it just like I do everything else, Mother,” Roman says icily.

Maria’s eyes flutter shut before they open and cut to me. “Bring my grandchild here as soon as possible,” she orders. “You’ve kept her from her family long enough.”

With those words, she walks out as well. Rosa reaches for my hand and I fall onto the couch beside her, resting my head on her shoulder.

“That went… about as well as it could have gone,” Rosa says softly.