I turn to Roman, feeling some relief. He’s not looking at me. His gaze is fixed on Tony, who’s currently clutching the steering wheel in his car.

“Are you sure it’s a good idea to go with him? Tony’s a ticking time bomb. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

I shake my head. “We both know my brother would never hurt me. Come and meet us at your house. I guess we’re telling the truth today.”

“Fuck,” Roman breathes.

He takes Cassie from my arms, holding her carefully. I feel a stab of guilt as I look at them both.

“Roman,” I say softly, “I’m sorry. This wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t hidden the truth for so long.”

He shakes his head. “You did what you thought was right, trouble. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

I offer him a small smile before getting into the passenger seat of my brother’s car. He doesn’t even look at me before revving the engine and driving off.

“Are you going to listen to me?” I ask a few minutes into the drive.

“No,” he replies, muscles straining. His eyes are fixed on the road. “I’m taking you to your father. You can tell him whatever the hell it is you want to say then.”

I take in a deep breath. “Tony I’m so fucking sorry. You have no idea—”

“No! Shut the hell up. I can’t believe you actually did this. You fucked my best friend!” he yells.

I pause, staring at him. “You’re oddly fixated on the wrong thing. Yes, I slept with Roman. But I also hid my pregnancy and gave birth without telling you.”

He glances at me, eyes twin pools of anger. “Is that something to be fucking proud of? You’re just begging me to fucking hate you, aren’t you,sorella?”

With those words, my lips clamp shut and I turn away, staring out the window. My eyes well up with tears but I blink them back. I can’t talk to him like this. He won’t listen to me.

We arrive at the De Luca home and Tony slams the door shut as he steps out of the car. I follow him at an even distance as he heads into the house. I’m suddenly regretting coming here without Roman.

Unfortunately, Maria’s with my dad, and so is Rosa. The only person missing is Michael, but of course he decides to trail downstairs upon our arrival, eyebrows raised in question.

“What’s going on?” my dad asks, getting to his feet.

Michael nods at Tony. “Why does he look so pissed?”

A muscle ticks in my brother’s jaw as he turns to me. “Well? Are you going to tell them or should I?”

A drowning sensation washes over me as my throat closes up. This isn’t how I wanted this to happen at all.


He looks at my dad sharply. “Your daughter slept with the Don.”

“Oh, god,” I mumble.

Dad’s eyebrows rise as his eyes swivel from me to Tony. Everyone is silent, staring at us.

“And that’s not all,” Tony continues. “She apparently got knocked up and has a kid.”

If the earth was going to open up and swallow me, now would be the perfect time. My hands grow sweaty and I look anywhere but at my dad’s face.

“What the hell are you talking about, Anthony?” Dad questions.

“Yes, I’d like to know, too,” Maria speaks up. “What is this about Roman and Elena?”

“Just calm down, Mama,” Rosa says softly beside her mother, taking her hand.