I can hear the judgment loud and clear in Kiara’s voice. Elena lets out a huff of frustration.

“I told Rosa,” I say, looking into Kiara’s brown eyes.

“Congratulations. You told the one person who was never going to give you any shit about it in the first place. Please, Roman,” she scoffs.

“And why are you so concerned?” I ask her.

“Because I’m worried. This whole thing can so easily blow up in your faces. And I hate that you might not be able to handle the fallout.”

“I’ll handle it,” I grit out.

“Hmm. Just tell them soon, please.”

She stands up and heads into her room, leaving Elena alone with me. There’s a thoughtful expression on her face.

“She’s right, you know. We need to tell them soon.”

“Yeah, I know. I was planning to break the news at the family dinner on Tuesday,” I inform her. “You don’t have to be there.”

“Are you kidding? This is as much my mess as it is yours. Maybe even more so. I’m the one who hid her away for a year. I’ll be there.”


We both talk about Cassie’s sudden aversion to her baby formula for a few minutes before Elena informs me that she needs to go to the grocery store.

“I’ll come with you,” I state.

“No, it’s fine. It’s a ten-minute drive.”

“I’m coming along. We can take Cassie with us, too.”

She shrugs, deciding not to argue, and heads toward the other bedroom. I hear her informing Kiara that we’re leaving and then she’s standing in front of me with Cassie’s baby bag.

“Let’s go.”

We head out of the house and down the elevator, deciding to take Elena’s car since Cassie’s car seat is already in it. After making sure she’s tucked in, we get inside. The ten-minute drive is spent planning the best way to inform our family of its newest addition. Once we arrive at the grocery store, I park and Elena waits for me to grab Cassie from her car seat. I’m carrying her out when a very familiar car pulls up beside her.

My eyebrows climb as I take in the dark green Mercedes. Then Tony’s walking out of the driver’s seat. He pauses a few feet away from me and the baby in my arms.

“What the hell’s going on here?” he asks.




The entire world grinds to a stop as I watch my brother step out of his car. He approaches Roman and I’m not sure what he says because panic seizes every muscle in my body. It’s like I’m about to get hit by a train and all I can do is fall still. I’m unable to move.

When Tony’s expression turns menacing, I snap out of it. I rush to the other side of my car, standing between my brother and Roman.

“Tony, what are you doing here?” I ask, heart pounding. I’m hoping to defuse the situation.

“I followed you,” he replies, not taking his eyes off Roman or the baby in his arms. “Saw you getting out of the apartment. Whose baby is that?”

His eyes finally meet mine and I can see how confused he is. He’s waiting for me to tell him the truth. I open my mouth to speak but I can’t seem to find the words. I have no idea how to explain. For all the planning we did, my brain turns to mush in the moment I need it the most.

Thankfully, Roman seems to be more in control than I am.