Cal’s patience dissipates as soon as we’re outside the club. I let out a giggle as he hauls me over to the wall at the side of the club. One hand is beside my head while the other hand snakes down to my waist. My heart begins to thud in my chest.

This is so stupid, the reasonable voice in my head chants.

His eyes dip to the green cashmere dress hugging my torso, skimming over the expanse of my black-stockinged legs before stopping at my black heels. When he drags his eyes back to meet my green ones, there’s a simmer of desire and heat.

I lift my chin as heat prickles my skin. “You going to kiss me or not?”

He grins. “I knew I was going to get lucky tonight.”

Then his lips land on mine. He’s not the best kisser but he makes up for it with his hands. I moan softly when one slips behind my back, gripping my ass. He squeezes, groaning when I react by digging my nails into the side of his neck. I part my lips to grant him access into my mouth, but before his tongue can sneak in, I get a call.

I let out a huff of frustration. Cal pulls back, eyes dull.

“I’m sorry,” I tell him, digging into my purse for my phone.

It’s my brother.Fuck. I have to answer.

Tony’s a notorious worrier and there’s a high possibility that if I don’t pick up, he’ll be on the next plane to Boston. It’s not something he hasn’t done before. I still remember the embarrassment when he showed up in the middle of a study session my junior year, looking for me. He wasn’t alone, because he never goes anywhere without his annoying friends. Which means I had three tall, hulking guys show up to disrupt us because my phone was dead and I forgot to charge it.

I offer Cal an apologetic smile before moving away from the wall to answer my phone.

“Tony, I was in the middle of something,” I say, mildly irritated.

He has the worst timing.

“What?” he questions suspiciously.

“Working,” I lie. He doesn’t need to know what I was actually up to. “I have a long list of files to go through before work tomorrow.”

“It’s a Friday,” he says dully. “What’s with all the background noise if you’re working?”

“Tony, tell me why you called,” I say, needing him to move away from this line of questioning.

He pauses for a few seconds. Almost immediately, I know something’s wrong.

“You need to take some time off work. Come home.”

It’s my turn to be suspicious. “What? Why? And why do you sound so sad?”

“Ricardo’s dead.”

Something cracks in my chest. “What?” I ask, my voice coming out in a whisper.

After my mom left, I grew up with two father figures in my life. Ricardo was one of them. To most people, he was the fierce, ruthless Don of the De Luca family. But to me, he was the man that was always patient and kind. He was the only person that was ever on my side when I fucked up. He protected me, and while every single man in my life protects me, Ricardo did it without being too overbearing. I spoke to him on the phone just a month ago.

“Ho-how did it happen?” I question shakily as my eyes fill with tears.

“I’ll explain everything later. It’s all a mess, Lena,” my brother says, sounding so unlike his usual cheery self.

“I know, I know. I’ll be home tomorrow,” I hurriedly tell him. “What about Dad? Is he okay?”

It doesn’t matter how many hang-ups I have about New York, I have to be there for my family.

“Dad’s fine. Listen, I gotta go. Send me a text when you land, I’ll have someone come and escort you from the airport.”

“That’s not—”

“Do not fucking tell me what’s necessary right now, Lena.”