“I’m sorry,” he says quietly. “I was also an immature teenager. I was watching my best friend struggle and seeing you like that pissed me the fuck off. You didn’t realize what was right in front of you. You had a family, Elena. A family that cared so much. I used to be a little envious of your relationship with your father and even Tony. My family and I are close, sure, but not like yours. We’ve always been more traditional, our interactions stuffy. And you were right there—you didn’t know what you had and you were throwing it all away. I couldn’t do anything but watch.”

“I’m not that girl anymore,” I whisper.

He looks me in the eyes, “No, you’re not. You’ve grown, Elena Legan. Matured. And as much as it pains me to admit it, you were right. You did need to be away from your family in order to find yourself. Moving away for college was the start of you becoming an actual adult. And I’m proud of you.”

I let out a soft breath, feeling an unsteady hum in my chest. “I’d really like it if we could put all the hate behind us.”

“Like I said, it wasn’t hate. More like irritation directed at you, because the situation was out of my control and I wasn’t sure how to help.”

“But you don’t feel that way anymore?”

He shakes his head.

I smile. “Does this mean we’re friends now?”

Roman tilts his head to the side. “Don’t get me wrong, you still annoy the shit out of me.”

“Jerk,” I say, hitting him on the shoulder.

He chuckles. “But yeah, I guess we can be friendly. You’re in my life, Elena. Always will be. That’s never going to change.”

“That’s really good. I’m so glad to hear it,” I say, nodding enthusiastically.

He arches an eyebrow. “Why is that good?”

I inhale softly before blurting out the words that I’ve been working up to since he arrived.

“Roman, we have a child together. I’m pregnant—o-or at least I-I was,” I stammer, my heart pounding in my chest.

I planned to tell him in a calm way, but I guess this will have to do.

Roman stiffens. His eyes search my face for a second before he laughs. “Very funny,lupacchiotta,” he says, running a hand through his hair.

“No, Roman, I’m serious. I had a baby.”

His dark brown eyes land on mine. “Hilarious,” he deadpans.

I inwardly groan, getting to my feet. I start to pace in front of him. He watches quietly, apprehension distinct on his features.

“We had sex last year.”

“I remember,” he says, crossing his arms over his chest again. “Your point being?”

“Mypointis that it led to a baby. I was pregnant. And then I gave birth.”

Roman blinks. Slowly. It would be funny if I wasn’t so terrified.

“That’s why I moved to London for a year,” I explain softly. “I was pregnant and I had to hide it from you, from everyone. And I’m so sorry I did that. I was trying to do the right thing. I thought it would help if I stayed away for a year. So I did. I moved away and I had my baby. It’s a girl. Her name is—”

“Shut up,” Roman says icily.

My mouth clamps shut. His expression is much darker than I’ve ever seen it. I watch as he slowly gets to his feet.

“Elena, you sound fucking unhinged right now. What the hell are you talking about?”

“You-you have a baby. A little girl,” I say, heart pounding.

He lets out a harsh laugh. “That’s ridiculous. There’s no way in hell you got pregnant, and instead of telling me, you chose to move across an ocean instead!”