This is a fucking disaster. I turn around on my bed and stare up at the ceiling of my room. My hand trails down to my stomach and I clutch it slightly.

I’m having a baby.

I fall asleep to that thought, unsure of what the next day will bring. And no idea what I’m going to do.

When morning comes, I repeat the entire process of getting dressed and going to work. By the time I get back home however, I’m starting to feel desperate. I need to plan a course of action but I have no clue what to do.

In times like this, when in doubt, I call my brother.

Tony picks up on the third ring.

“Little sister,” he says in greeting. My eyes widen when I hear a gunshot followed by colorful swearing.

“What the fuck?” I ask, my heart racing.

More shots are fired in quick succession

“Tony, where the hell are you?”

He’s breathing heavily as he replies. “In the middle of a shootout. These Gallo bastards don’t die easily.”

I clutch onto my hair, trying not to lose it. I swear I can feel my sanity slipping.

“Tony, why are you picking up a call in the middle of a shootout?”

“I haven’t spoken to you in two weeks,” he says. “Of course I’m picking up my baby sister’s call.”

I hear a shot that’s much louder than the rest and sounds way too close for comfort. “Fuck!” Tony yells.

I lurch to my feet, my heart racing. “Tony? Are you okay? Tony!”

“I’m fine,” he says after a few seconds. “The bullet hit one of our guys is all.”

He’s sounding way too blasé about this situation. “Are you trying to get yourself killed?”

“You know how cats have nine lives?”

“You’re human, Tony,” I say dryly.

“Sure, but my spirit animal’s a cat,” he says cheerfully.

“Oh god, you’re insane,” I mutter.

Unhinged is more like it. I really worry about him sometimes.

“I’ll be fine. Why’d you call?”

“I just…” I hesitate. “I wanted to see you. Is there any chance you could come to Boston?”

“Why? What’s wrong? Are you okay?” he asks worriedly.

“Nothing’s wrong,” I say. It’s not like I can tell him over the phone.

“What the fuck are you doing on the phone, Tony?” Roman yells in the background.

The sound of his voice has my heart stopping.

“Just give me a sec, Rome,” Tony yells back.