“Well, go on. You woke me up at this ungodly hour, let’s hear what you have to say.”

I open my mouth to speak, then hesitate. I’ve spent the past thirty-four hours fixating on what happened between us. I’ve thought about what to say to her and what to do about this fucked-up situation, but now that I’m here, words fail me. I cross my arms over my chest and fix her with a stare.

“Why did you sleep with me?”

Her eyes widen at the question and a second later, she laughs.

“Wait, that’s the first thing you’re going to ask? Why I fucked you? Because let’s be honest, Roman, there wasn’t any sleeping involved,” she drawls.

I grit my teeth, feeling a muscle tick in my jaw. “Just answer the question.”

I just had to fuck the one woman who infuriates me to no end. Of course she’s not going to make this easy. I shouldn’t have come here this morning. I haven’t gotten any sleep, and I’m exhausted. I might be a little irritable. There’s a possibility I’ll snap and this conversation will turn into a yelling match—and knowing Elena, the chances of that are incredibly high.

“Why? Want to do it again?” she asks. She moves closer to me. Her finger lifts to my face and she traces a path down my jaw. My blood heats, but I shrug her hand off.

“Oh, come on, Roman. It’s usually much harder to rile you up,” she pouts.

I run my hand through my hair in agitation.Breathe, Roman.

I was trying to gauge where her headspace is with regard to what happened, but since she’s unwilling to do so, I might as well say what’s on my mind.

“It was a fucking mistake,” I begin.

Her expression is carefully blank. “Oh?”

“Do you even grasp the implications of what happened that night?” I question. “Even if you remove the fact that I’m the Don and you’re a woman in my family, or the fact that neither of us like each other, you’re my best friend’s little sister, which makes you off-limits. I broke a rule by having sex with you.”

She rolls her eyes. “Calm down, Roman. I promise you won’t burst into flames just because you fucked me.”

My chest rises and falls. I shouldn’t be having this conversation with her now. She’s well-rested and unrifled. I'm the complete opposite.

“You can’t tell anyone,” I state, saying the words I originally wanted to. “I don’t care what you think about what happened. And I don’t give a fuck why you did it—”

She cuts me off. “Why did you do it?”

My gaze sharpens. I would answer her question if I had an answer. I’ve turned it over in my head so many times. It comes as no surprise that I’m attracted to her; the woman practically radiates sex appeal.

Her eyelashes flutter. “I can tell you why I did it,” she says.

I arch an eyebrow for her to go on.

“Because you were there. I was feeling sad thinking about my mother and you were a warm body that was available. It meant nothing to me. Plus, I’ve always wanted to have hate sex and you’re the prime candidate for that. So get your panties out of a twist, Roman. As far as I’m concerned, nothing happened between us.”

I almost want to laugh because her words hurt more than they fucking should. They shouldn’t hurt at all. I should be glad that she thinks that. Iamglad.

“Good. So you won’t tell anyone?”

“What is your fixation with me keeping my mouth closed?” she snaps.

“Your brother is my right-hand man. Your father is my consigliere. I need both of them and I’m not losing them over a mistake.”

Her green eyes burn. She clears her throat and looks away.

“Fine, I got it. I won’t say a word. I leave for Boston tomorrow anyway.”


Several seconds pass as I stare at her. I should leave, but something’s holding me back. Maybe the thought that I was too harsh. Or the fact that even now, looking into her face that’s filled with carefully controlled fury, I want nothing more than to pull her closer and fuck her one last time. Or at least kiss her luscious pink lips.