“You’re a De Luca,” he murmurs. “We’re not fucking weak.”

The two of them head back out to the party. Tony and Michael haul the half-dead man with them, and I do my best to ignore the blood trailing from his body as I follow. We get back outside and the party has been slightly controlled. My dad’s standing in front of everyone with a don’t-fuck-with-me expression on his face. His expression shifts slightly into concern as he takes in our entourage.

Roman walks to the front of the crowd. Rosa stands at his side. He gestures for Tony and Michael to let go and the man responsible falls down to the ground with a loud groan.

“I need everyone to listen to me,” Roman starts, his voice loud and authoritative. “This man tried to assault my sister tonight. He dared to touch a De Luca and he was stupid enough to do it in my home. With her entire family right here. His actions aren’t just stupid, they’re fucking insane.”

I can hear the barely controlled fury in his voice. The entire yard is quiet, the only sounds coming from the fucker on the floor.

“There are some of you that consider my family weak. Ricardo De Luca hired every single man here. Some of you were welcomed into this family when you had nothing but the clothes on your back. My father accepted you and he protected you.” Roman’s jaw clenches.

“He fulfilled his duties to the best of his abilities, and how was he repaid? With a bullet to the skull. Some of you here were involved in the coup that led to his death. I should have murdered every last one of you. But my father taught me to be merciful. And I was trying to honor his wishes and his teachings. My mother asked me to give a speech earlier. She asked me to inform you about my plans to lead. To let you know just how strong I am. Well, I’m going to start by laying down some new rules. There will be no more mercy,” he pronounces. “If I catch even a whiff of insubordination or disrespect or betrayal, I promise to make you suffer. It won’t be swift or painless. I swear, I’ll make you wish you were never born. You knew my father’s mercy, now you’ll feel my ruthlessness.”

There’s raw, palpable fear in their eyes as they stare at their Don. Roman is practically saying, “no more Mr. Nice Guy.’ The kid gloves are off.

He moves to the man on the floor and hauls him to his feet. Then he grabs his gun from the back of his shirt. Roman’s expression is nothing short of menacing. I shiver when he smirks slightly.

“I’m going to start with Noah Pike, here. Like I said, he assaulted my sister tonight. He doesn’t deserve an easy death, but he does make for a perfect scapegoat so all of you can understand just how fucking serious I am.”

"Please," Pike says, starting to shake. I’m surprised he even has it in him to beg. “Please.”

Roman kicks him to the ground. He cocks the gun in his hand and points it at him. I think the scariest part of all this is how calm Roman looks. He might as well be picking flowers right now. I’ve secretly called him a psychopath all these years, but this is the first time he’s ever given any real inclination that he could actually be one.

Just as he’s about to take the shot, a cry goes out. Everyone watches as an old man with balding hair runs out from within the crowd. He gets on his knees in front of Roman, shielding Pike’s body.

“I understand that what my son did was unforgivable,” the old man starts, his voice shaking. “But he’s the only child I have left. Please, Roman, I’m begging you. You can’t kill him.”

Roman cocks his head to the side. “I said no more mercy, Nolan,” he states calmly.

The old man swallows. “I heard you. Which is why I’m offering myself in his place. Kill me instead.”

A tiny gasp escapes me. Oh, god.

“Please,” the old man continues. “Your father and I had history. I did everything he ever asked of me. Now I’m begging you to do this one thing.”

The scene is absolutely pitiful. Everyone looks on with bated breath. Nobody dares to move a muscle. Noah Pike is still on the ground, tears streaming down his face.

Roman’s expression is thoughtful as he looks at the old man. Finally, he comes to a decision.

“Una vita per una vita,” Roman breathes. A life for a life.

A second later, he shoots. The bullet meets its mark and the old man falls down dead. My stomach lurches. I’m forced to look away for a second, hoping to control my breathing. When I look back at the scene, Roman’s calling for guards to take the man’s body away. Noah Pike is also hauled out.

Roman’s not done with his speech. “My father died and left me in charge. I’ve been training to become the Don since I was seven years old, and I’m aware of the needs of every single man here. My duty is to you, to protect your families. The De Luca family is considered one of the top families in New York City. But right now, the Russos, the Gallos, even the D’Angelos, none of them respect us. They think we’re fucking weak. They think we’ve gone soft, but I’m going to change that. You’re all going to help me change that.Noi ci alzeremo.”

“Noi ci alzeremo,” several people repeat.

They’re the De Luca words. The family motto. A promise.We will rise.

Roman nods once, content with their reply. The party disperses; the mood is subdued as the guests begin trailing out. I watch Roman for a few seconds as he speaks to Tony.

He actually did it. He won them over. There’s not a single soul here today that doesn’t fear Roman De Luca. It’s exactly what he wanted.

* * *

Two hours later,the party has dwindled down and there’s no one else at the house. I walk over to the bar inside the house, needing a drink. Today did not go how I expected it to and yet it was the best outcome I could have hoped for. The alternative would have been spiraling, so honestly, watching a man get murdered was the better option.

I pause in the doorway, my eyes colliding with dark blue ones.