“I’ll try to hack into some private files. See if I can get some more intel,” Michael says.

I nod once.

“See? I told you they’d be in their playhouse,” a voice says, drawing our attention.

We look up and trouble’s standing in the doorway. Otherwise known as Elena Legan.


She grins as she walks into the room, someone else in tow. My eyes widen as they land on Kiara Coleman. Damn, I haven’t seen her in a few years.

Tony laughs and walks over to give her a hug that lifts her off her feet, “Hey, Kie. Missed you.”

I get to my feet to hug her as well. Kiara might be Elena’s best friend, but she’s much more tolerable.

“Hey. How’s it going?”

“I’m good,” she answers in her soft voice. “Sorry for your loss.”

My throat tightens but I manage a small thanks. Elena moves to stand beside me and I shoot her a look.

“Did you just refer to this room as a playhouse?”

She shrugs. “What would you rather I call it?”

“A man cave,” Tony answers, tone serious, as he moves back to his earlier position with the darts.

“Idiot,” I mutter.

Elena’s eyes practically sparkle with amusement as she looks at me. I sigh, moving back to my earlier position on the beanbag. Kiara moves toward Michael. She whispers something into his ear and he smiles, which is the most emotion anyone has gotten from him in weeks. He and Kiara used to have a thing, which ended due to reasons known to only them.

He shifts slightly, allowing for her to settle on the beanbag beside him.

Elena steps up to the pool table, arranging the balls. She lines them up in a triangle before messing it all up again. I scoff at the grin on her face. The girl thrives on chaos.

“I have an idea,” Tony suddenly speaks up.

I inwardly groan. I love the guy but I’m almost positive I’m not going to like what he has to say.

“What is it?” I prompt. We might as well hear it.

“How about we kill all the bastards?”

The air in the room tenses. Tony’s mind works in mysterious ways. I would be confused by the random statement, but it’s pretty clear he’s talking about the men who aren’t satisfied with the fact that I’m the new Don. His mind obviously hasn’t left our prior conversation.

“Tony,” I say warningly.

“I’m fucking serious. If they’re not happy that you’re in charge, we might as well end them.”

“Of course they’re not happy. They don’t think I’ve done enough to earn my position,” I mutter.

“That’s bullshit. You’ve been training since you were a kid. You were right by your father’s side for every deal, every job. Who deserves the position if not you?” he asks angrily. “Also, they’re all fucking assholes. They willingly sided with Vincent against your father and now they’re doing it to you.”

“We already killed the people responsible for the coup, man. We tortured the rest. If we keep killing our men, we won’t have anyone left.”

“We can always get more,” he huffs.

I let out a breath. “It doesn’t work that way.La lealta si guadagna.” Loyalty is earned.