I’m practically bouncing on my feet. When she called me two days ago, informing me she was returning to the U.S., I could barely control my excitement. Kiara and I met in high school, and she’s the only person who stuck with me throughout the years. She was never put off by my crazy personality. She’s acted as my sounding board, my guardian angel. I can’t count the number of times Kiara has gotten me out of a terrible situation.

“I missed you too, babe,” she says, leaning forward to kiss both my cheeks.

I make a face, fighting a huge grin. “Since when are you so posh? Living in London already turned you into a fancy, high-class princess?” I ask, using a fake English accent.

She rolls her eyes. “And you’re still a heathen, good to know.”

I chuckle, looping my arm around hers and reaching for her suitcase. I lead her out of the airport, rolling it behind us.

“I can’t believe you decided to come back. It’s like you knew I needed you. How long are you staying?”

She smiles softly, taking off her sunglasses. “I’m actually back for good, Lena.”

My eyes widen. “No way? For real?”

“Yeah. After my breakup, I’m ready to dip my toes back into my reality here in New York. Plus, I missed the city,” she informs me.

“Oh, right, the breakup,” I say icily. “You have yet to share the details on how you ended things with the royal prat.”

Kiara was dating an earl or some variation of that up until a month or two ago. I’m not surprised she was able to snag nobility, the girl is gorgeous. I’m a little upset that their relationship ended. They were together for two years, and he’s the reason she stayed back in London after earning her master’s degree. She loved him.

Kiara’s eyes gleam with amusement. “Did you research British swear words because you knew I was coming back?”

“No.” I laugh.

We head to my car. Technically not my car, but the one that’s been provided for me to be chauffeured around in.

“Kie, this is my newest bodyguard, Carlos,” I say, making the introductions. “Carlos, this is Kiara. If you’ve been around for long, you’ll know her. She’s my best friend.”

The hulking man doesn’t say a word. He simply nods before getting into the driver’s seat. I throw Kiara an exasperated look and lead her into the back seat.

“Please tell me you at least had some revenge sex after the breakup,” I say to her once the car starts.

She groans. “Lena.”

“What? I have a right to know. Who did you snog and shag as a big royal fuck you to his royal dickness?”

“Stop insulting him,”she says, laughing. “I’m the one that broke up with him.”

That gives me pause. “Wait, seriously? But you loved him.”

“I did. But we were in different places and our relationship wasn’t working out anymore. It was the right thing to do.”

“Fuck the right thing. You should have chased after him in the rain, snogged the living daylights out of him, and never let him go.”

She gives me a look. “For someone who doesn’t make the least bit of effort to find love, you’re a pretty big romantic, you know that?”

I wave my hand to deny it. “I might not be throwing myself out there, but I know it’s real. Just not for me.” Kiara’s smile thins and she opens her mouth to speak, but I plow on before she can. “Besides, I watch too many rom-coms not to have all these crazy ideas.”

“True,” Kiara says carefully. “Anyway, tell me about you. How are you coping after Ricardo’s death? How’s everyone else?”

Kiara’s been my best friend since I was fourteen and she knows every single member of my family. I knew she was a true friend when she didn’t balk at what my family does. Granted, her dad’s a politician who has good relations with the De Lucas, so we’ve always been interconnected. Our friendship was inevitable.

“Everyone’s mostly fine,” I tell her.

“And Roman? How’s your mortal enemy whom I’m convinced you secretly have a crush on?”

I gasp, my eyes growing wide as I look at Carlos in the front seat. “I most certainly do not. Also, that mortal enemy happens to be the Don now, and Carlos works for him.”