He’s underage as well. At least for the next three months, until he turns twenty-one. But no one ever bats an eye at the amount of alcohol he and my brother consume. It’s so unfair. But like he said, we are not the same.

Roman shrugs but doesn’t reply to my comment. We both fall silent. I know he’s waiting for me to tell him what my exciting news is, but on some level, I don’t want to share. I don’t want him to know about anything that makes me happy. He’ll probably find a way to crush it.

But there’s no use withholding this particular information. He’ll find out eventually.

“I got into Harvard,” I announce.

Briefly, I wonder why he’s the first person I’m telling. I just got the news three hours ago. I was in town shopping when I decided to check and I almost screamed my head off in the department store. I’m sure the staff thought I was crazy. I got into my car and drove to my closest home which happens to be the De Lucas’.

It’s not my actual home, but it’s pretty damn close. Plus, it’s the only house with a bar that’s not under lock and key. My father doesn’t trust me around the alcohol in his house, but here, I knew I’d get easy access. I wanted to come here and tell my brother, but when I couldn’t find him, I turned to whiskey to celebrate.

Roman reacts exactly the way I expected him to. He gives me nothing. Not a hint of happiness on my behalf. I’d even take annoyance, but his face is smooth and clear, devoid of emotion. His Adam’s apple bobs as he takes another drink.

“What do you want? Congratulations?”

“Like I’d expect congratulations from the devil,” I scoff.

He smirks. “You finally got what you wanted. You just couldn’t wait to tuck your tail between your legs and run from home.”

My stomach clenches. “I’m not running.”

“Don’t lie to me, Elena. You’re terrible at it,” he says. “And you are running. It’s bad enough your mother left, now you’re trying to leave your brother and father as well.”

Something tightens in my chest. My fists clench. One thing about Roman De Luca, he’s good at reading people and is amazing at saying exactly the right things to make sure they hurt. I hate him. I hate him so much sometimes.

“You’ll never understand what it’s like to be in my position,” I say calmly.

“Oh please, save me the spiel about wanting freedom and space. Your family’s meant to protect you. That’s all they’ve done since the moment you were born. If you can’t see that, you don’t deserve them.”

“I’m not talking to you about this.”

“Yeah, let’s not,” he says, taking yet another shot of whiskey.

“You’re a horrible person.”

At least he’s consistent. I just knew he’d find a way to ruin something that made me happy.

He waves his hand at me. “Trust me,lupacchiotta,I know. Harvard, though, that’s a big deal. Nice to see you putting that big brain to use,” he says with a short nod.

I’m not dumb enough to think he’s praising me.

“Don’t do anything stupid, Elena. Boston’s only a four-hour drive.”

“Trust me, I’m aware.” It’s the only reason I was allowed to apply.

“Good. For what it’s worth, I hope you have fun. Do everything your heart desires while you’re away at college. We both know you’ll be back. You’ll be a good little Italian girl and return home.”

“Fuck you, Roman.”

He simply smiles. I decide I’ve spent enough time in his presence. After one last look, I jump down from the countertop. Unfortunately, I’ve forgotten that I’m still slightly inebriated. Roman moves fast, reaching me in time to catch me before I face-plant on the floor.

His arms encircle my waist. When those dark blue eyes meet mine, there’s only one clear emotion shining through.

Pure, unadulterated hatred.

What did I ever do to you, Roman?

We’re both frozen, our eyes locked on each other. I can feel his touch around my waist acutely. I can’t remember the last time he willingly touched me. The scent of his cologne surrounds me, musky and a little citrusy. Roman’s gaze flickers down to my lips and for a second, the ludicrous idea that he would actually kiss me snakes into my mind.