“Yes, and you’ve been pushing for Coleman,” Christian says, smiling sardonically.

“We’ll back down,” I say through gritted teeth.

The D’Angelos aren’t usually involved in politics, but I’m sure their sudden interest has to do with the fact that James Malone is a member of their family. The former director of the FBI is looking to dip his toes into politics, and he’s going to use his in-laws to get there.

Christian finally offers me a genuine smile. “Then we have a deal.”

We both get to our feet and Christian offers me his hand for a shake.

“For what it’s worth, I am sympathetic to your plight. I know exactly how it feels to be thrust into a position you weren’t prepared for. The next few months are going to be rough.”

“I’m aware. I’ll take care of my rough transition as soon as I take care of Vincent,” I state. “How long will it take before you find him?”

“Already did. He’s hiding out in a warehouse outside of town. I already ordered some men to come along with you. It should be fairly easy to take him down. I got some information before you arrived that the Russos are backing down.”

My eyes widen. “What?”

I turn to face Michael. He’s already grabbing his phone, trying to see if Christian’s words hold any weight. I turn back to the man’s steady brown eyes.

“I’m guessing they found out you were meeting me and realized it wasn’t a battle they could win. They’re pulling out.”

“That’s not normal Russo behavior,” I murmur.

Christian shrugs. “Fight the battles you can fight today.”

I blow out a breath and my eyes narrow. “If you knew the Russos were pulling out, why the hell did you let me offer you so much?”

“Why the hell not?” Christian says, smiling.

It’s a little odd. From the rumors, he used to be a cold, brutal man. But after meeting his wife and having kids, he’s much warmer. I find it odd that a person could change so drastically, and judging by our meeting, he hasn’t.

“Plus, like I said, I’m sure they’re pulling out owing to our involvement. You should be grateful, De Luca,” he tells me.

I fight the urge to roll my eyes. This is still beneficial regardless of his manipulation. “Fine. I hope our partnership holds.”

He rounds his desk to stand in front of me. “I hope so, too. Like you said, I need people I can trust. You seem like a good guy, Roman. Friends?”

I consider it for a moment. My eyes drift to my brothers, who both nod encouragingly. It won’t hurt to have one of the most powerful mafia families in our corner.

“Sure. If you need anything, you can call me.”

He nods. “Good luck.”

Leaving the D’Angelo office, I’m feeling much lighter than I came in. The past seventy-two hours have been the worst days of my life, but it’s all about to come to an end. I can feel it. As soon as I step outside the D’Angelo building, I’m face to face with about a dozen men. One of them approaches, introduces himself as Slade, and informs me that they’re all at my service.

Michael and Tony are already calling whichever of our men are available. We head over to where Vincent is hiding, and when we arrive, it’s fairly easy to capture him. He practically surrnders. He always was a smart man. He made some stupid decisions, but he knows when to quit. Some of the men with him put up a fight but are quickly dispatched. It doesn’t take long before we’ve subdued them all. Vincent is moved to our base of operations.

Something inside me simmers and rises. It’s almost over.

Salvador’s already inside the torture room, which houses a circular table and numerous torture devices. His eyes are hard as I move toward him, offering a short nod. He’s an old man in his fifties, graying dark hair and green eyes so much like his daughter’s. With the events of the past three days, he has proven just how honorable and loyal he is. I’m glad he’s still here, even if my father isn’t.

His jaw clenches as Vincent is brought into the room. The man is surprisingly calm. He has the look of a man who has accepted his own fate. If only it would be that easy. Tony kicks him to his knees before moving to the table and grabbing one of his knives.

He looks like Christmas came early. Tony can be a pretty savage. I’ve never seen anyone derive as much joy from bloodshed as he does. It’s like he has two personalities, choosing to keep his sister and the women in his life away from his darker tendencies.

“Vincent,” I start. “Anything to say?”

Jaw clenched, he stares resolutely at the floor and doesn’t reply. The anger I had been trying so hard to repress blazes. I walk toward him, grabbing the knife from Tony and digging it into Vincent’s side. He howls in pain.