Deacon pulls me off his cock and before I can catch my breath, I’m on my back at the head of the bed, and he’s filling me to the hilt. Lips crashing against mine, the taste of Deacon and me mixes together on our tongues. We taste amazing together.

“This isn’t going to be sweet or gentle Amelia,” he groans. The full force of his thrust pushes me further up the bed.

“Take what you need from me Deacon.”

He grips my wrists, forcing my hands above my head, driving deeper and harder. His eyes fall closed and he’s lost in his rhythm, he’s lost in me. Using my body to take away the pain, this is what he needs to feel in control again.

Deacon pulls out, flips me on my stomach, forcing me up on my knees, and drives himself oh so fucking deep. I brace my hands on the headboard, thrusting my hips in rhythm with his. His hand fists in my hair, using it as a handle while he pounds into me with every ounce of force he has in him. I’m going to feel him between my legs for the next two weeks. His teeth sink into the delicate flesh of my neck. Normally, I don’t allow my clients to bite me, but I want Deacon to mark me, own me, make me his.

“Harder,” I moan. “Bite me harder,” I order. He clamps down on the flesh between my neck and my shoulder. The pleasure-filled pain makes my pussy clench around his cock.Fuck, this is so damn hot. His tongue soothes over the red mark left in his wake. The next nip sends me flying over the edge.

Deacon pulls me into his lap, hips bucking wildly. One hand is at my clit pinching my buddle of nerves between his fingers,the other hand is cupped at my breast and his hot mouth at my ear coaxes me to come again. His dirty words set me off. Through my daze, I can barely hear him grunting out his own release.

He collapses onto the bed, pulling me on top of him, his hard cock still buried inside me. “How much for the night?” he asks, thrusting in my channel.

I sit up, resting my hand on his chest while I ride him. “If you keep fucking me like that, the rest of the night is on me.” I slyly grin down at him. That was the best fuck I’ve had in years, and no way am I letting this man out from between my legs anytime soon.

He rises with a devious glint in his eyes that makes my stomach flip. His hot mouth sucks on one of my pink nipples. A hand moves around to my ass, his finger teasing at my tight hole. “Then I better make sure you get your money’s worth.”




I stridethrough the casino at the Bellagio, past the craps tables and the rows of slots, on my way to watch Deacon’s fight. After he left my bed this morning, I haven’t been able to get him out of my head. Usually when clients leave my room, I never give them a second thought. There is something about Deacon I can’t shake. The sex was phenomenal; the things that man did to my body were out of this world. He left his mark all over my body. I submitted to him last night, I never do that. Control is everything in my line of work. We give clients the illusion of being in control while all along we are pulling the strings. But I could see in Deacon’s eyes that was what he needed. He needed to gain control in his mind again. He’s been haunted with the grief of losing his friend and trainer, so I let him control me, use my body. God help me, I loved it.

With Deacon still in my head as I left work for home, I drove past my exit, headed straight for the airport, and boarded the first flight to Vegas I could get. The only way I was going to get him out of my head was to see him again. One last fix before wesay our final goodbyes. It pains me, the thought of never seeing him or having him in my bed again.

The usher guides me down to my seat, front row center. I called in a favor from one of my regulars who I helped restore the adventure back in his marriage. I take my seat and scan the crowd. There is a group of women, a few rows over, all wearing Saint’s Angels t-shirts. I feel a pang of jealousy twist in my stomach, wondering if he’s been with any of them or any of these other girls holding signs with his name on them. Jesus, what the fuck is the matter with me, I shouldn’t be getting jealous over a man that isn’t even mine. I need to get my shit together.

“He’s a client that’s all,” I whisper to myself, but the bitchy little voice in the back of my head is throwing her two damn cents in.If he’s just a client, then why did you follow him all the way to Vegas? I know why. He dicked you right, and now you’re cock whipped, just admit it.I think it’s time I drown this bitch with some booze.




I’m sittingin the locker room with my headphones on, and the music blaring in my ears. My head rests on my taped fists, and the images of Amelia dance in my brain. I’m supposed to be clearing my head of all distractions, but all I can focus on is her and her sinful body.

I left the mansion just as the sun was cutting into the night sky. I didn’t get a minute of fucking sleep, but I feel like I have the energy to take on ten opponents at once. I couldn’t get enough of Amelia and that tight perfect pussy of hers. Being with Amelia was like an out of body experience. She made me feel like a fucking king. Now I'm hooked and jonesing for another hit. I should have followed my instincts, thrown her over my shoulder, and brought her ass here with me to Vegas. I need her here with me in my corner.

The song playing in my ears ends, signaling it’s go time. I slide off my headphones and rise from the bench, setting my iPod on the shelf in my locker. I reach for my gloves from my bag when I find the picture of Eric and me the night I won my first championship. That night was unforgettable. I was the underdoggoing into that fight, but with Eric in my corner, I proved to the world I was a force to be reckoned with. He was so proud of me and how far I had come. If it weren’t for him, I would be rotting away in some prison right now.

I never got the chance to say my goodbyes to Eric before he died. I was in New York when I got the call that there had been an accident. Some idiot truck driver fell asleep behind the wheel, swerved to the wrong side of the highway, and hit Eric’s Land Rover head on. He was gone before the ambulance arrived.

Holding the picture in my hand, I can hear Amelia’s voice in my ear telling me if I don’t let go of the pain I will never get my head straight. “Thank you,” I say aloud. “Thank you for everything you did for me. You took a chance on me when everyone else was willing to just throw me away.” With every word, the weight I’d been carrying begins to lift. The fog in my mind gives way to the light. “I miss you old friend, you may be gone, but I know your spirit will always be in my corner.”

I slip the photo back into my bag just as my new trainer, Jackson, walks in. “You ready boss man?”

My lips curl up in a confident grin. “It’s Diego Gonzales’ day of reckoning.”

The roar of the crowd and the pulse of the music sends adrenaline coursing through my veins. My hands are steady, my head focused. I am as sharp and clear as glass. My eyes are fixated on the ring, the place I feel most at ease. My home.

“WE LOVE YOU SAINT!!” The crowd chants and screams my name. It’s my job to give them the show, the thrill they have all been waiting for.

Jackson holds the ropes open for me. I step into the ring, and the beast that has been hiding for so long roars inside my chest. He’s been hiding in the dark waiting, lurking, ready to feast on his next victim. I shed my robe, tossing it to my crew in the corner. Diego is bouncing around the ring showing off to thecrowd. He’s been talking a big game all week, calling me out as a has been and saying that I should just hand over the belt instead of embarrassing myself by going head to head with the great Diego Gonzales. He can run his fucking mouth all he wants; he won’t get a rise out of me. I’ll prove myself where it counts, here in the ring.