Page 9 of The White Witch

Stephanie instantly moved away in fear.

Kit retreated at the look on her face. “Harming a woman or child is abhorrent. That goes against everything I was taught and believe in. As long as you remain under this roof, you shall always be safe from harm. That is my word given as a gentleman,” he stated.

Stephanie wordlessly nodded. Threatened by his imposing stature and powerful physique, she was momentarily transported to the past. She battled against the memories and forced them aside. Ever resistant to being pulled back there.

“I believe I deserve an explanation,” Stephanie whispered. While afraid, she knew what she wanted.

Kit studied her face as she gazed at him and finally agreed. “Shall we go to the apartment?” he asked. “I rather think you might need a hot drink.”

“A teawouldbe nice.”

“Then let’s retire, and I’ll make you one,” Kit offered.

Stephanie was wary about having him in her home, then she laughed silently. Not even locked doors could keep Kit out when he could glide through them. Mentally ridiculing herself, Stephanie unlocked her door and led the way to the kitchen. To her surprise, Kit motioned for her to sit down as he filled thekettle and put it on. He searched her cupboards for a mug and then tea and added sugar.

“Oh, I only take one,” she said as he added a second teaspoon.

“You’ve had a shock. Two is adequate, although my sister would have four when she had her histrionics,” Kit replied, and a smile crossed his lips.

“You had a sister?” Stephanie asked at the titbit.

“My twin. We were eight and ten years when we died,” Kit answered, and Stephanie’s mouth fell open.

“You were only eighteen?” she gasped.

“I was a man long before that, Stephanie,” Kit said.

Stephanie studied him. To her, Kit looked to be in his early twenties, not a teenager.

“What is it?” Kit asked.

“You’re six years younger than me,” Stephanie mused.

“And that is an issue because…?” Kit inquired.

“No—no reason,” Stephanie stammered.

Kit sent her a smug smirk, and Stephanie could have sworn he flexed. Her eyes narrowed on him as he turned and poured water into the mug.

“Do you have milk?”

“Sorry?” Stephanie asked, realising she’d been imagining Kit with his shirt undone. She blushed as she caught his knowing gaze.


“A little; I like it strong,” Stephanie replied and blushed again as Kit held her attention with his eyes.

“Most ladies prefer strong.”

A delighted look hit his eyes at her deepening blush.

Visibly gathering herself, Stephanie took the mug of tea and cupped it.

“What happened down there? What was that… thing? And that strange presence? Did you do magic?” Stephanie blurted.

Kit sat down opposite her and stared into her eyes.

“How much of the truth do you want?” he asked.